Building and displaying self made custom characters on lcd is not a very hard task. To carry out this task you must know about the internal structure of character lcd. The size of the lcd controller ram, registers of the lcd and CG-RAM(Character generated ram) of lcd. CG-RAM is the most important part of lcd for generating and displaying self made custom characters. CG-RAM is a whole big topic so it is kept in a separate post. CG-RAM is fully discussed in the tutorials below. I recommend you to please take the tutorials other wise you will not unable to understand the code below.
Project Requirements.
To understand the code you must first know the internal structure of lcd. The tutorials links given above are very helpful for understanding the working and internal structure of CG-RAM of lcd. If you didn’t take the tutorials. I recommend you to please go through them before going through the code below.
Filed Under: Microcontroller Projects, PIC Microcontroller
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