Intel has again hit headlines by establishing some striking benchmarks. Its 9th Gen Intel Core™ i9-9900K processor recently moved a level up by setting 16 benchmark records through its overclocking demonstration at the Intel Fall Desktop Launch held in New York City. Its performance was observed for the extreme overclocking round that took place last week.
Fig. 1: Professional Overclocker Pouring Liquid Nitrogen Over A Working 9th Gen Intel Core i9-9900K Processor
Professional overclockers like Joe “Steponz” and Allen “Splave” Golibersuch made use of liquid nitrogen for carefully chilling down the Intel Core i9-9900K for extremely low temperatures to get chip performance and frequencies much above than the contemporary off-the-shelf specs. The Intel Core i9-9900K comes with a stock frequency of 3.6GHz, however, the professional overclockers are able to attain precisely double of that reaching 7.1 GHz across all cores.
This demonstration helped both Stepongzi and Golibersuch drive up the processors to attain 15 first-place global records under the 8-core category and reach up the latest world record in PC Mark 10 against every other processor category. Intel will be officially uploading the benchmarks results over the record site at HWBOT as the 9th Gen Intel Core processors starts getting shipped. HWBOT happens to be one of the leading platforms in terms of competitive overclocking. It is also equipped with global database of overclocked PC hardware benchmarks from the online community of over 100, 000 users.
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