Intel announced its 12th Gen Intel Core processors — previously code-named, “Alder Lake” — during its Intel Innovation event in San Francisco last month. The 12th Gen Intel Core family will include 60 processors and more than 500 designs.
The 12th Gen’s offer three key features:
1. Hybrid architecture: A new performance hybrid architecture successfully integrates two types of cores — performance and efficient cores.
2. The Intel Thread Director: The Thread Director is baked into the hardware, helping the operating system with the multi-tasking and the most demanding of tasks.
3. Support: Including the highest standards in memory and connectivity, as well as the world’s top gaming processor (as measured by unique features and superior in-game benchmark mode performance, such as the score or frames per second).
To learn more about the 12th Gen processors and Intel Core i9-12900K, click here to watch a short video.
Filed Under: Components, Microprocessors, News
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