A lot of people have to take certain medicines regularly. A number of diseases like diabetes, blood pressure or heart problem are nowadays very common and the patients need to take medicines without break to keep such health issues in check. Most of the people are not punctual about taking medicines and often forget one or the other dosage. In this project, a medicine reminder system is designed in which the user can feed the schedule of their medicines and the system alerts them by sending SMS on their mobile if they miss taking a dosage. The user has to feed the type of medicine, its dosage, After or Before Food reminder, doctors name and time of the dosage in the system.
The user can feed multiple entries like this. When there will be time for taking a dosage, the user will have to take prescribed medicine and press a button on the projecting device confirming that the dosage has been taken. In case, the user does not take the dosage and forget to confirm on the projecting device, after 2 minutes of delay from the dosage timing, the system sends an SMS alert to the user reminding him of taking the medicine.
The user can feed the type of medicine as a tablet, capsule or Syrup, dosage as half, one or two capsule/tablet/spoon, After food or before food setting, doctor name as doc-A, doc-B, doc-C and so on and dosage timing as Morning, Afternoon and Night. The morning time is assumed to be 9 AM, Afternoon time is assumed to be 12 PM and Night time is assumed to be 9 PM.
The project is built on Arduino Mega and has an RTC interfaced to keep track of time without fail. The medicine information is saved in the internal EEPROM of the Arduino board. A four-switch keypad is provided to feed medicine information and an LCD display is interfaced to the system for providing the user interface. A GSM-GPRS module is interfaced to send SMS alerts and a series of LEDs is connected to the system for the testing purpose. The Arduino sketch manages to input and store medicine information, keep track of time using RTC, compare dosage time with real time, track confirmation of dosage taken and send SMS alert if dosage taken is not confirmed by the user. The Arduino code is written on Arduino IDE and burnt to the board using AVR Dude.
Components Required –
• Arduino Mega2560 -1pc
• 12v-1amp step down transformer
• 7805 and 7812 voltage regulator.
• IN4007 diode
• 25v 4700uF Capacitor.
• Tiny RTC module-DC1307-1pc
• 16×2 LCD-1pc.
• RGB led- 6pcs.
• 1K ohm resistors -3pcs
• Push to ON switch-4pcs
• Toggle switch.
• Voltage regulator -7805 and 7812
• GSM/GPRS module
• A box to store medicines
Block Diagram –
Fig. 1: Block Diagram of Arduino based Medicine SMS Reminder System
Circuit Connections –
Fig. 2: Prototype of Arduino based Medicine SMS Reminder System
The Arduino Mega controls the projecting device. Different components and modules are interfaced to the Arduino board in the following manner –
Power Supply – In the circuit, Arduino board, LCD module, and RTC need a 5V regulated DC while GSM/GPRS module needs 12V regulated DC for its operation. The AC mains is used as the primary source of power. The supply from the mains is stepped down by a transformer and rectified by a full-bridge rectifier. The rectified output is regulated to 5V and 12V using 7805 and 7812 ICs. The pin 1 of both the voltage regulator ICs is connected to the anode of the battery and pin 2 of both ICs is connected to ground. The respective voltage outputs are drawn from pin 3 of the respective voltage regulator ICs. A LED along with a 10K Ω pull-up resistor is also connected between common ground and output pin to get a visual hint of supply continuity.
16X2 LCD: The 16X2 LCD display is used to the user interface for feeding and displaying medicine information. It is connected to the Arduino board by connecting its data pins to pins 3 to 6 of the Arduino board. The RS and E pins of the LCD are connected to pins 13 and 12 of the Arduino UNO respectively. The RW pin of the LCD is grounded.
Fig. 3: Table listing circuit connections between Arduino Uno and Character LCD
The standard open-source library for interfacing LCD with Arduino Mega is used in the project. The library works as expected and needs no changes or modifications.
RTC DS1307 – The RTC DS1307 has a built-in button cell that allows keeping track of real-time irrespective of the power supply. For interfacing with the Arduino board, SDA and SCL pins of the RTC are connected to the SDA (20) and SCA (21) pins of the Arduino Mega. The RTC module transfers the time and date information through serial communication updating the info in real-time.
5-switch keypad – The keys are used for navigating and selecting medicine information and confirmation of dosage taken. There are five switches connected to A0, A1, A2, A3 and A4 pins of the Arduino board through 1K ohm pull-up resistors. The switches connected at A0, A1, A2 and A3 pins works as */Start, Next, Save and #/Exit buttons respectively. In the circuit diagram, Start, Next, Save and #/Exit buttons are designated by SW1, SW2, SW3 and SW4 labels. When the user has to start feeding information of a medicine, he has to press */Start to initiate the process, then the user can navigate through the available options of one of the five steps by pressing Next button. On pressing the Save button, selected option in the current step is saved to internal EEPROM.
The user has to pass through five step process for each medicine in which he has to feed the following information in each step –
Step 1: Type of Medicine – Capsule, Tablet or Syrup
Step 2: Dosage Amount – half, one or two
Step 3: Recommendation – After Food or Before Food
Step 4: Doctor Name – Doc-A, Doc-B or Doc-C
Step 5: Timing – Morning (9 AM), Afternoon (12 PM) or Night (9 PM)
The user can initiate the process for another medicine by pressing the */Start switch again. Once the information of all the medicines is saved, the user needs to press # button to start getting reminders.
The fifth switch connected at A4 should be pressed for confirmation of the dosage taken.
GSM/GPRS MODULE: Here Arduino Mega is using TX1 and RX1 from its three USART ports. Vcc and ground are provided with the external power supply of 12V, 2 Amp and common ground. The Tx terminal of GSM module is connected to the pin 19 (RX1) of Arduino Mega and its Rx terminal is connected to the pin 18 (TX1) of Arduino mega.
How the circuit works –
Fig. 4: Image of Arduino based Medicine SMS Reminder System
The Arduino board loads the required libraries as it is powered on. It waits for the user to feed the medicine information. The user can feed the information of each medicine in the five-step process. As the user presses the Save button after every 5-step wizard, the information of the respective medicine is saved to the internal EEPROM of the Arduino board. Once the user presses the #/Exit button, the Arduino board starts fetching real-time from RTC module and compare the dosage timing of the medicines with real time. At three instants of time – morning (9 AM), afternoon (12 PM) and night (9 PM), the Arduino seeks the confirmation of dosage taken by detecting the press of the confirmation button by the user. If the user does not press the button, after a delay of 2 minutes, the board sends an SMS through the GSM module to the registered mobile number of the user.
Check out the program code to learn how the Arduino board manages to input and store medicine information, keep track of time using RTC, compare dosage time with real time, track confirmation of dosage taken and send SMS alert if dosage taken is not confirmed by the user.
Programming Guide –
The Arduino sketch loads the Wire.h for I2C communication with the GSM module, EEPROM.h for storing and retrieving data from internal EEPROM, RTClib.h for handling RTC module, LiquidCrystal.h for LCD interfacing and SoftwareSerial.h for virtual serial communication with the LCD module. An object of liquid crystal type is declared and mapped to Arduino pins and an object of RTC type is declared and assigned Arduino pin. The variables and arrays are declared to keep track of the step number of the medicine input wizard, EEPROM addresses, SMS string and store medicine information along with some counter variables.
Fig. 5: Screenshot of Initialization in Arduino Code for Medicine SMS Reminder System
The setup() function is called in which baud rate for serial communication with LCD module and GSM module is set to 9600 bits per second and AT command to set text mode for GSM module is sent. The LED pins are set digital output and pins connecting to switches are set to digital input. The I2C interface, LCD, and RTC are initialized and initial messages are printed on the LCD. The RTC is checked if running and the date-time information is saved to the RTC.
Fig. 6: Screenshot of Setup Function in Arduino Code for Medicine SMS Reminder System
The loop() function is called in which the user input is checked by detecting LOW at the switches and according the wizard for entering medicine information is progressed by keeping trace of variable pos. The information is saved to internal EEPROM and compared with RTC time to frame and send SMS alert on not detecting press of the confirmation button.
Fig. 7: Screenshot of Infinite Loop in Arduino Code for Medicine SMS Reminder System
You would find the code for Arduino Based Medicine Reminder System in the source code tab.
Project Source Code
//Program to #include <Wire.h> #include<EEPROM.h> #include <RTClib.h> #include <LiquidCrystal.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 6, 5, 4, 3);// Pins used for RS,E,D4,D5,D6,D7 RTC_DS1307 RTC; int pos=50,noEntry=1,addr=1,addrA=1,af=0,bf=0,addrFT1,addrFT2,addrFT3,addrFT4; int i=0,fondB=0,fondL=0,fondD=0,j=0,k=1,l=5,addrAM=50,addrPM=60; int breakF=9,lunchT=2,dinnerT=9,trigSMS=0,loc=0; int Abrkfast[10],Alunch[10],Adinner[10]; int curntSec,curntHour,curntMinute,prevTime; int am=0,pm=0,currntTZ=0,addrs=0; int lastMinute,count=0,num1,num2,TWHOUR=0,HOUR=0,MINUT=0,SECOND=0;//Variable to store phone number and current time char daysOfTheWeek[7][12] = {"SUN", "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT"}; char* doctor[]= {"Doc-A", "Doc-B", "Doc-C", "Doc-D", "Doc-E", "Doc-E", "Doc-F", "Doc-G"}; char* mediType[]={"TAB", "CAP", "SYR"}; char* dailydos[]={".5","1","2","3"}; char* dosTime[]={"BFS","LUN","DIN"}; char* afbf[]={"A/F","B/F"}; int b1 = 22; // LED define 1 at pin22 int b2 = 24; // LED define 2 at pin24 int b3 = 26; // LED define 3 at pin28 int b4 = 28; // LED define 4 at pin30 int b5 = 30; // LED define 5 at pin32 int b6 = 32; // LED define 6 at pin34 byte Aalpha[8] ={ 0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b11111, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b00000, 0b00000 }; byte Balpha[8]={ 0b00000, 0b11100, 0b10010, 0b11100, 0b10010, 0b11100, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Calpha[8]={ 0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b01110, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Dalpha[8] ={ 0b00000, 0b11100, 0b10010, 0b10010, 0b10010, 0b11100, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Ealpha[8] ={0b00000, 0b11110, 0b10000, 0b11100, 0b10000, 0b11110, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Falpha[8] ={0b00000, 0b11110, 0b10000, 0b11100, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Galpha[8]={0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10000, 0b10110, 0b10010, 0b01110, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Halpha[8] ={ 0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b11111, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Ialpha[8]={0b00000, 0b01110, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b01110, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Lalpha[8]={ 0b00000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b11110, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Malpha[8] ={ 0b00000, 0b10001, 0b11011, 0b10101, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Nalpha[8] ={0b00000, 0b10001, 0b11001, 0b10101, 0b10011, 0b10001, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Oalpha[8]={ 0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01110, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Palpha[8]={ 0b00000, 0b11100, 0b10010, 0b11100, 0b10000, 0b10000, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Ralpha[8]={ 0b00000, 0b11110, 0b10001, 0b11110, 0b10100, 0b10010, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Salpha[8] ={ 0b00000, 0b01110, 0b10000, 0b01110, 0b00001, 0b01110, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Talpha[8] ={0b00000, 0b11111, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Ualpha[8]={ 0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01110, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Walpha[8] ={ 0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b10101, 0b11011, 0b10001, 0b00000, 0b00000}; byte Yalpha[8]={ 0b00000, 0b10001, 0b10001, 0b01010, 0b00100, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00000}; void setup() { Serial1.begin(9600); // Setting the baud rate of GSM Module Serial.begin(9600); // Setting the baud rate of Serial Monitor (Arduino) Serial.println( "AT+CMGF=1" ); delay(200); pinMode(b1, OUTPUT); pinMode(b2, OUTPUT); pinMode(b3, OUTPUT); pinMode(b4, OUTPUT); pinMode(b5, OUTPUT); pinMode(b6, OUTPUT); Wire.begin(); RTC.begin(); lcd.begin(16,2); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Engineers Garage"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(" MEDI Reminder "); delay(3000);lcd.clear();delay(200); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" ENTER ALL INFO "); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(" YES* NO# "); if(!RTC.isrunning()) { RTC.adjust(DateTime(F(__DATE__), F(__TIME__))); } } void loop() { if(digitalRead(A0)==LOW && pos==50){ //This is for YES jump to the start while(pos==0) pos=1; lcd.clear(); delay(200); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Wait..."); for(i=0;i<200;i++){ EEPROM.write(i, 255); delay(100); lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(i); } } if(digitalRead(A3)==LOW && pos==50){//This id for NO jump to the end while(pos==50) pos=30; lcd.clear(); } while(pos==1){ lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Set Medicine Typ"); if(digitalRead(A0)==LOW && pos==1){ if(k<4){ k++; lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(" "); delay(400); }} if(k==3){ k=0;} lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(mediType[k]); if(digitalRead(A1)==LOW && pos==1){ EEPROM.write(addrA,k); delay(500); addrA++; lcd.setCursor(15,1); lcd.print("*"); pos=2; k=0; delay(2000); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(" "); break; } }//End of pos=1 while(pos==2){ lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" Set Dosage "); if(digitalRead(A0)==LOW && pos==2){ if(k<4){ k++; lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(" "); delay(400); }} if(k==3){ k=0;} lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(dailydos[k]); if(digitalRead(A1)==LOW && pos==2){ EEPROM.write(addrA,k); delay(500); addrA++; lcd.setCursor(15,1); lcd.print("*"); pos=3; k=0; delay(2000); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(" "); break; } }//End of pos=2 while(pos==3){ lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" Set A/F or B/F "); if(digitalRead(A0)==LOW && pos==3){ if(k<3){ k++; lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(" "); delay(400); }} if(k==2){ k=0;} lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(afbf[k]); if(digitalRead(A1)==LOW && pos==3){ EEPROM.write(addrA,k); delay(500); addrA++; lcd.setCursor(15,1); lcd.print("*"); pos=4; k=0; delay(2000); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(" "); break; }}//End of pos=3 while(pos==4){ lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" Set Doctor "); if(digitalRead(A0)==LOW && pos==4){ if(k<5){ k++; lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(" "); delay(400); }} if(k==4){ k=0;} lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(doctor[k]); if(digitalRead(A1)==LOW && pos==4){ EEPROM.write(addrA,k); delay(500); addrA++; lcd.setCursor(15,1); lcd.print("*"); pos=5; k=0; delay(2000); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(" "); break; }}//End of pos=5 while(pos==5){ lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" Set Dose Time "); if(digitalRead(A0)==LOW && pos==5){ if(k<4){ k++; lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(" "); delay(400); }} if(k==3){ k=0;} lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(dosTime[k]); if(digitalRead(A1)==LOW && pos==5){ lcd.setCursor(15,1); lcd.print("*"); EEPROM.write(addrA,k); delay(500); addrA++; lcd.setCursor(15,1); lcd.print("*"); delay(2000); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(9,1); lcd.print(" "); } if(digitalRead(A2)==LOW && pos==5){ i=i; pos=1; k=0; noEntry++; delay(2000); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(" "); lcd.setCursor(9,1); lcd.print(" "); EEPROM.write(100,noEntry); break; } if(digitalRead(A3)==LOW && pos==5){ lcd.clear(); pos=30; delay(2000); break; } }//End of pos=4 while(pos==30){ lcd.clear(); while(1){ lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Have A Nice"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Day:)"); DateTime now =RTC.now(); curntHour=now.hour(); curntHour=((curntHour > 12) ? curntHour - 12 : ((curntHour == 0) ? 12 : curntHour)); curntMinute=now.minute(); curntSec=now.second(); currentTIME(); matchTIM(); Serial.println(currntTZ); Serial.println(curntHour); Serial.println(curntMinute); ALLDays(now.dayOfTheWeek()); } } } /* char* doctor[]= {"Doc-A", "Doc-B", "Doc-C", "Doc-D", "Doc-E", "Doc-F", "Doc-G", "Doc-H", "Doc-I"}; char* mediType[]={"Tablet", "Capsule", "Syrup"}; char* dailydos[]={"Half","One","Two","Three"}; char* dosTime[]={"BRKFAST","LUNCH","DINNER"}; char* afbf[]={"A/F","B/F"}; // breakF=8,lunchT=12,dinnerT=9;*/ void matchTIM(){ Serial.println("Match"); DateTime now =RTC.now(); curntHour=now.hour(); curntHour=((curntHour > 12) ? curntHour - 12 : ((curntHour == 0) ? 12 : curntHour)); curntMinute=now.minute(); curntSec=now.second(); /* Break Fast Setting*/ if(curntHour==breakF && curntMinute==0 && curntSec<=2 && currntTZ==2){ trigSMS=0; pos=10; addrFT1=EEPROM.read(100); lcd.clear(); while(pos==10){ for(i=0;i<addrFT1+1;){ num1=EEPROM.read(l); if(num1==0){ Abrkfast[i]=l; EEPROM.write(100+k, i); fondB++; k++; } l=l+5; i++; Serial.println(i); delay(500); if(i==addrFT1){ pos=11; break; } } } if(fondB==0){ k=1; l=5; pos=11; Serial.print("Not Found"); delay(50); } if(fondB>=1 && pos==11){ DateTime now =RTC.now(); prevTime=now.minute(); while(pos==11){ Serial.println("Found"); pos=12; while(pos=12){ DateTime now =RTC.now(); curntHour=now.hour(); curntMinute=now.minute(); //curntSec=now.second(); if(curntMinute== prevTime + 2){ medicineAlertSMS(); k=1; l=5; pos=30; delay(500); break; } if(digitalRead(A0)==LOW && pos==12){ k=1; l=5; pos=30; delay(500); break; } for(j=1;j<fondB+1; j++){ currentTIME(); ALLDays(now.dayOfTheWeek()); num2=EEPROM.read(100+j); Serial.print(100+j); Serial.print(num2); Serial.print(Abrkfast[num2]); Serial.println(EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)); delay(100); if(EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)==0){ digitalWrite(b1,LOW); } if(EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)==1){ digitalWrite(b2,HIGH); } lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(mediType[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-4)]); lcd.setCursor(4,0); lcd.print(dailydos[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-3)]); lcd.setCursor(6,0); lcd.print(afbf[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)]); lcd.setCursor(10,0); lcd.print(dosTime[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2])]); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(doctor[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-1)]); delay(1000); digitalWrite(b1,LOW); digitalWrite(b2,LOW); lcd.clear(); } if(j==fondB+1 && pos==12){ j=1; pos=13; delay(50); break; } } while(pos==13){ if(digitalRead(A4)==LOW && trigSMS==0){ Serial.println("Sending SMS"); Serial1.println("AT+CMGF=1"); //Sets the GSM Module in Text Mode delay(100); // Delay of 100 milli seconds delay Serial1.println("AT+CMGS="+918973760860"r"); delay(100); Serial1.print("Alert !!! It's Time To Take Medicine");// The SMS text you want to send delay(100); Serial1.print("n");// The SMS text you want to send delay(100); for(j=1;j<fondB+1; j++){ num2=EEPROM.read(100+j); Serial1.print(mediType[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-4)]); Serial1.print("- "); delay(100); Serial1.print(dailydos[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-3)]); Serial1.print(" "); delay(100); Serial1.print(afbf[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)]); Serial1.print(" "); delay(100); Serial1.print(dosTime[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2])]); Serial1.print(" Doctor: "); delay(100); Serial1.print(doctor[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-1)]); Serial1.print("n"); delay(100); } if(j==fondB+1 && trigSMS==0){ Serial1.println(" "); delay(100); Serial1.println((char)26);// ASCII code of CTRL+Z delay(100); Serial.println("SMS Sent"); j=1; pos=11; trigSMS=1; delay(50); break; } } else{ j=1; pos=11; trigSMS=1; delay(50); break; } } } } } /*LUNCH breakF=8,lunchT=12,dinnerT=9;*/ if(curntHour==lunchT && curntMinute==14 && curntSec<=2 && currntTZ==2){ trigSMS=0; pos=10; addrFT1=EEPROM.read(100); lcd.clear(); while(pos==10){ for(i=0;i<addrFT1+1;){ num1=EEPROM.read(l); if(num1==1){ Abrkfast[i]=l; EEPROM.write(100+k, i); fondL++; k++; } l=l+5; i++; Serial.println(i); delay(500); if(i==addrFT1){ pos=11; break; } } } if(fondL==0){ k=1; l=5; pos=11; Serial.print("Not Found"); delay(50); } if(fondL>=1 && pos==11){ DateTime now =RTC.now(); prevTime=now.minute(); while(pos==11){ Serial.println("Found"); pos=12; while(pos=12){ DateTime now =RTC.now(); curntHour=now.hour(); curntMinute=now.minute(); //curntSec=now.second(); if(curntMinute== prevTime + 2){ medicineAlertSMS(); k=1; l=5; pos=30; delay(500); break; } if(digitalRead(A0)==LOW && pos==12){ l=5; k=1; pos=30; delay(500); break; } for(j=1;j<fondL+1; j++){ currentTIME(); ALLDays(now.dayOfTheWeek()); num2=EEPROM.read(100+j); Serial.print(100+j); Serial.print(num2); Serial.print(Abrkfast[num2]); Serial.println(EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)); delay(100); if(EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)==0){ digitalWrite(b3,HIGH); } if(EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)==1){ digitalWrite(b4,HIGH); } lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(mediType[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-4)]); lcd.setCursor(4,0); lcd.print(dailydos[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-3)]); lcd.setCursor(6,0); lcd.print(afbf[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)]); lcd.setCursor(10,0); lcd.print(dosTime[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2])]); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(doctor[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-1)]); delay(1000); digitalWrite(b3,LOW); digitalWrite(b4,LOW); lcd.clear(); } if(j==fondL+1 && pos==12){ j=1; pos=13; delay(50); break; } } while(pos==13){ if(digitalRead(A4)==LOW && trigSMS==0){ Serial.println("Sending SMS"); Serial1.println("AT+CMGF=1"); //Sets the GSM Module in Text Mode delay(100); // Delay of 100 milli seconds delay Serial1.println("AT+CMGS="+918973760860"r");//9001931333my 7357187588 delay(100); Serial1.print("Alert !!! It's Time To Take Medicine");// The SMS text you want to send delay(100); Serial1.print("n");// The SMS text you want to send delay(100); for(j=1;j<fondL+1; j++){ num2=EEPROM.read(100+j); Serial1.print(mediType[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-4)]); Serial1.print("- "); delay(100); Serial1.print(dailydos[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-3)]); Serial1.print(" "); delay(100); Serial1.print(afbf[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)]); Serial1.print(" "); delay(100); Serial1.print(dosTime[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2])]); Serial1.print(" Doctor: "); delay(100); Serial1.print(doctor[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-1)]); Serial1.print("n"); delay(100); } if(j==fondL+1 && trigSMS==0){ Serial1.println(" "); delay(100); Serial1.println((char)26);// ASCII code of CTRL+Z delay(100); Serial.println("SMS Sent"); j=1; pos=11; trigSMS=1; delay(50); break; } } else{ j=1; pos=11; trigSMS=1; delay(50); break; } } } } } /*DINNER breakF=8,lunchT=12,dinnerT=9;*/ if(curntHour==dinnerT && curntMinute==0 && curntSec<=2 && currntTZ==2){ trigSMS=0; pos=10; addrFT1=EEPROM.read(100); lcd.clear(); while(pos==10){ for(i=0;i<addrFT1+1;){ num1=EEPROM.read(l); if(num1==2){ Abrkfast[i]=l; EEPROM.write(100+k, i); fondD++; k++; } l=l+5; i++; Serial.println(i); delay(500); if(i==addrFT1){ pos=11; break; } } } if(fondD==0){ k=1; l=5; pos=11; Serial.print("Not Found"); delay(50); } if(fondD>=1 && pos==11){ DateTime now =RTC.now(); prevTime=now.minute(); while(pos==11){ Serial.println("Found"); pos=12; while(pos=12){ DateTime now =RTC.now(); curntHour=now.hour(); curntMinute=now.minute(); //curntSec=now.second(); if(curntMinute== prevTime + 2){ medicineAlertSMS(); l=5; k=1; pos=30; delay(500); break; } if(digitalRead(A0)==LOW && pos==12){ l=5; k=1; pos=30; delay(500); break; } for(j=1;j<fondD+1; j++){ currentTIME(); ALLDays(now.dayOfTheWeek()); num2=EEPROM.read(100+j); Serial.print(100+j); Serial.print(num2); Serial.print(Abrkfast[num2]); Serial.println(EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)); delay(100); if(EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)==0){ digitalWrite(b5,HIGH); } if(EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)==1){ digitalWrite(b6,HIGH); } lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print(mediType[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-4)]); lcd.setCursor(4,0); lcd.print(dailydos[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-3)]); lcd.setCursor(6,0); lcd.print(afbf[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)]); lcd.setCursor(10,0); lcd.print(dosTime[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2])]); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(doctor[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-1)]); delay(1000); digitalWrite(b5,LOW); digitalWrite(b6,LOW); lcd.clear(); } if(j==fondD+1 && pos==12){ j=1; pos=13; delay(50); break; } } while(pos==13){ if(digitalRead(A4)==LOW && trigSMS==0){ Serial.println("Sending SMS"); Serial1.println("AT+CMGF=1"); //Sets the GSM Module in Text Mode delay(100); // Delay of 100 milli seconds delay Serial1.println("AT+CMGS="+918973760860"r"); delay(100); Serial1.print("Alert !!! It's Time To Take Medicine");// The SMS text you want to send delay(100); Serial1.print("n");// The SMS text you want to send delay(100); for(j=1;j<fondD+1; j++){ num2=EEPROM.read(100+j); Serial1.print(mediType[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-4)]); Serial1.print("- "); delay(100); Serial1.print(dailydos[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-3)]); Serial1.print(" "); delay(100); Serial1.print(afbf[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-2)]); Serial1.print(" "); delay(100); Serial1.print(dosTime[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2])]); Serial1.print(" Doctor: "); delay(100); Serial1.print(doctor[EEPROM.read(Abrkfast[num2]-1)]); Serial1.print("n"); delay(100); } if(j==fondD+1 && trigSMS==0){ Serial1.println(" "); delay(100); Serial1.println((char)26);// ASCII code of CTRL+Z delay(100); Serial.println("SMS Sent"); j=1; pos=11; trigSMS=1; delay(50); break; } } else{ j=1; pos=11; trigSMS=1; delay(50); break; } } } } } } //this void function is really useful; it adds a "0" to the beginning of the number, so that 5 minutes is displayed as "00:05:00", rather than "00:5 :00" void printDigits2(int digits){ if(digits < 10) { lcd.print("0"); lcd.print(digits); } else { lcd.print(digits); } } void ALLDays(int dey){ switch(dey) { case 0://sun lcd.createChar(5,Salpha); lcd.createChar(6,Ualpha); lcd.createChar(7,Nalpha); lcd.setCursor(13,0); lcd.write(5); lcd.setCursor(14,0); lcd.write(6); lcd.setCursor(15,0); lcd.write(7);break; case 1://mon lcd.createChar(5,Malpha); lcd.createChar(6,Oalpha); lcd.createChar(7,Nalpha); lcd.setCursor(13,0); lcd.write(5); lcd.setCursor(14,0); lcd.write(6); lcd.setCursor(15,0); lcd.write(7);break; case 2://tue lcd.createChar(5,Talpha); lcd.createChar(6,Ualpha); lcd.createChar(7,Ealpha); lcd.setCursor(13,0); lcd.write(5); lcd.setCursor(14,0); lcd.write(6); lcd.setCursor(15,0); lcd.write(7);break; case 3://wed lcd.createChar(5,Walpha); lcd.createChar(6,Ealpha); lcd.createChar(7,Dalpha); lcd.setCursor(13,0); lcd.write(5); lcd.setCursor(14,0); lcd.write(6); lcd.setCursor(15,0); lcd.write(7);break; case 4://thu lcd.createChar(5,Talpha); lcd.createChar(6,Halpha); lcd.createChar(7,Ualpha); lcd.setCursor(13,0); lcd.write(5); lcd.setCursor(14,0); lcd.write(6); lcd.setCursor(15,0); lcd.write(7);break; case 5://fri lcd.createChar(5,Falpha); lcd.createChar(6,Ralpha); lcd.createChar(7,Ialpha); lcd.setCursor(13,0); lcd.write(5); lcd.setCursor(14,0); lcd.write(6); lcd.setCursor(15,0); lcd.write(7);break; case 6://sat lcd.createChar(5,Salpha); lcd.createChar(6,Aalpha); lcd.createChar(7,Talpha); lcd.setCursor(13,0); lcd.write(5); lcd.setCursor(14,0); lcd.write(6); lcd.setCursor(15,0); lcd.write(7);break; case 7://sun lcd.createChar(5,Salpha); lcd.createChar(6,Ualpha); lcd.createChar(7,Nalpha); lcd.setCursor(13,0); lcd.write(5); lcd.setCursor(14,0); lcd.write(6); lcd.setCursor(15,0); lcd.write(7);break; default:break; } } void currentTIME(){ DateTime now = RTC.now(); lcd.setCursor(6,1); HOUR=now.hour(); printDigits2((HOUR > 12) ? HOUR - 12 : ((HOUR == 0) ? 12 : HOUR)); lcd.print(":"); printDigits2(MINUT=now.minute()); lcd.print(":"); printDigits2(SECOND=now.second()); lcd.setCursor(14,1); if(HOUR < 12){ // Adding the AM/PM sufffix //lcd.setCursor(14,0); lcd.write("AM"); currntTZ=1; } else{ // lcd.setCursor(14,0); lcd.write("PM"); currntTZ=2; } delay(800); currentDAY(); delay(800); } void currentDAY(){ DateTime now = RTC.now(); lcd.setCursor(6,1); lcd.print(now.day(),DEC); lcd.print("/"); lcd.print(now.month(),DEC); lcd.print("/"); lcd.print(now.year(),DEC); lcd.setCursor(6,1); printDigits2(now.day()); lcd.print("/"); printDigits2(now.month()); lcd.print("/"); lcd.print(now.year(),DEC); } void medicineAlertSMS(){ Serial.println("Sending SMS"); Serial1.println("AT+CMGF=1"); //Sets the GSM Module in Text Mode delay(100); // Delay of 100 milli seconds delay Serial1.println("AT+CMGS="+918973760860"r"); delay(100); Serial1.print("Alert !!! You forgot to take medicine");// The SMS text you want to send delay(100); Serial1.print("n");// The SMS text you want to send delay(100); Serial1.print("Please Take Medicine On Time");// The SMS text you want to send delay(100); delay(100); Serial1.println((char)26);// ASCII code of CTRL+Z delay(1000); }
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