- ALI 1111 5555
- SAJOO 2222 6666
- IJAZ 3333 7777
- TOUSEEF 4444 8888
Atm code compilation and running
If the pin code is valid another message will be displayed on console
“ENTER PASSWORD“. Enter the password of the person whose card pin code is previously entered. Entering wrong password will give you an error message and the system will ask you to please try again. If three times you entered a wrong password your card will be captured (System just displays a message on console that your card is captured).Functions in c++ code
Whole of the atm logic is implemented in the if else statements. If you go through the code you will find that all the users ALI, SAJOO, IJAZ and TOUSEEF are working on the same logic and there is no difference in there codes.
As i mentioned earlier the project is simple. You can make it perfect by introducing filing in it. Save the transactions of a person in a file, read the balance from there, deposit balance there. By filing you can make a perfect ATM system system. This code is just to give you an idea how to make atm machine.
So far the atm works on run time. Every record is lose when the application is closed. I would suggest to attach the atm system with a database. So that each and every record can be retrieved and assessed at later stages.
Exe file of the project is below. Check its working On-line.
Filed Under: Knowledge Share, Microcontroller Projects
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