The unceasing quest of human mind has conceived to almost all crucial inventions of the world. Hacking dates back its inception to the same human urge to know and hence explore things. Hacking is a practice of peeping into the extreme technical details of any computer application, program, or the whole system in order to extend its capabilities or alter its functionalities. People who rightly follow this practice of hacking are termed as ‘hackers’. A hacker’s vision towards solving any technical problem is undoubtedly beyond the perception of any normal computer expert. The open-source coding has been very beneficial for hackers to test and invent out of their passion for programming, say UNIX is the best example.
Cloud Computing Technology: Classification, Application & Framework
It’s time and again now that my buzzing fingers do not stop boasting about this very internet-prevalence to this day. Who, in his best dream would have ever thought that he wouldlend data from a remote cloud one day as he does water and electricity from the supply line? Goodness! It’s pragmatically visible now..!! Cloud Computing is nothing less than a dream come true with the evolution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Its rightly said; “Every cloud has a silver lining”, but wait, here we have a silver cloud available at our service 24 x 7. Cloud Computing is the fifth generation of computing after Mainframe, Personal computer, Client-Server computing and the Web. A cloud is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. Cloud computing is a technology that puts your entire computing infrastructure both hardware and software, applications, etc online.
Introduction to E Commerce
Carry ‘the globe’ in your shopping bag!! It’s not exaggerating the fact if I say: the world is now coalesced to a click on our computers. Since long ago, all alluring materials around have taken an exodus to the world of internet. No often do we now think of taking a stroll through the market before buying a mobile handset, but a healthy online research which in some cases is consequently followed by an online purchase. E-Commerce stands for electronic commerce and caters to trading in goods and services through the electronic medium such as internet, mobile or any other computer network. It involves the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) in making commerce between consumers and organizations, organization and organization or consumer and consumer.
Hacking: Understanding Hacking & Types of Hacking
The unceasing quest of human mind has conceived to almost all crucial inventions of the world. Hacking dates back its inception to the same human urge to know and hence explore things. Hacking is a practice of peeping into the extreme technical details of any computer application, program, or the whole system in order to extend its capabilities or alter its functionalities. People who rightly follow this practice of hacking are termed as ‘hackers’. A hacker’s vision towards solving any technical problem is undoubtedly beyond the perception of any normal computer expert. The open-source coding has been very beneficial for hackers to test and invent out of their passion for programming, say UNIX is the best example.