Oh Open Source, you and your wonders never fail to amuse!!! Your software has taken a giant leap from simple hardware computers to the stupendous International Space Station. Your hardware has come a long way in teaching electronic circuit working to create some marvelous projects. Ever imagined what would happen when open source hardware is able to run an open source operating system which is as smart as Microsoft Windows? And since it is open hardware based, you can carry it in your bag when you anywhere. How does that sound?? Crafted on a Beagle Board with Ubuntu, this blog post by Jonas K. Pedersen gives out his experience on how tried to install Ubuntu 12.04 on a Beagle Board. Mr. Pedersen is working on a project named “Human Interface” (that’s what the blog reads) and is trying to make Siriproxy work. Something from The Apple to open source!!!! Keep on reading to find out more.
RoboBrrds: Learn Robotics through Robots
The recent few years have been pushing robot development at an exponential growth. We have seen countries launching their own robot army, robots that can fly, robots that can bomb a territory or those who can spy. Even Hollywood movies are showing robots taking cities down and saving or ruining human lives. In this robotic cacophony, finding out something real constructive robots becomes a tough task. This where these DIY on toy robots bring some hope. Designed to make young brains assemble their own bots, toy bots don’t turn into grey or metallic beasts. Instead, they take small birds and cute models as their final shape. Continue reading to find out how these DIY can be assembled and how has the community reacted to this small wonder.