Red Green and Blue (RGB) colour is the basic colour to generate various colours by mixing. The introduction of new colour is done by merging or mixing of each colour in a particular proportion. This technique is used in TV’s, Mobiles…etc., similarly on web designing using HTML or any other language requires the HEX code of a particular colour to design. Presented here the circuit to know about the concept of colour generating and the HEX code of that colour.The circuit diagram of the RGB colour code generator is shown in figure enclosed as an attachment. It is built around popular Arduino Uno board, 16×2 LCD, RGB LED and few other components. The Arduino board is the brain of the circuit which performs the colour generation by Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).
Level to Pulse Converter
Trigger pulse generation using mechanical switches like reed switch, etc, is difficult and critical. Presented here is the circuit that generates single trigger pulse when a step positive voltage is applied. The circuit is built around popular 555 timer, BC547 NPN transistor, and few other components. The 555 timer was configured as a monostable mode to generate a single pulse. The monostable generates a pulse when a negative trigger applied at pin 2. If the width of the trigger pulse is greater than the output pulse of 555, the timer re-triggers itself and generates one more pulse. This creates a pulse train when step voltage is applied as a trigger at pin 2. This problem is avoided by the one-time trigger network components Q1, R4, and C1.
RF Remote Control for Pedestal Fan
Nowadays all consumer electronics appliances or equipment has remote control facility for easy and convenient operation. Normally pedestal fan has a mechanical switch to control the speed and oscillation. Buying a remote controlled fan slightly increases the cost of the fan.Presented here a circuit to convert your ordinary pedestal fan into a remote control pedestal fan without using any microcontroller. This circuit is designed for pedestal fan motor (Universal Motor) with multiple tappings for speed control. Moreover, this circuit can be used for all type of pedestal and table fan with a small alteration in the circuit.
Mini Candle Light Using Old Mobile Phone Battery
According to the Three R’s slogan “Reuse, Reduce, Recycle”, we must get aware to save our planet from e-waste. Sometimes we have dead mobile phone but its battery is in good working condition. The circuit given here is used to utilise the battery for mini candle light using High bright LEDs. The main part of the circuit is IC MC34063A. It is a monolithic controller which consists of an internal temperature compensated voltage reference, a comparator, controlled duty cycle oscillator with an active current limit circuit, driver and high current output switch. This IC was specifically designed to be incorporated in step−down and step−up and voltage inverting applications with a minimum number of external components.