Want to know why your monthly Electricity bills are “so high”? Take a closer look at the Lights or Fans, when a person inside the room leaves the room hastily, He or She unknowingly leaves the Lights switched on.So, what next? The only way for this is Intelligent Automated Home Lighting System. In this system when a person enters the room the tube lights are switched on automatically. The light switches go off automatically when there is no body inside the room. The whole Intelligent Automated Home Lighting System is now at the tip of your motion. As one moves inside the room the bulb switches on and as one leaves the room it switches off.
Automated Car Lightning System
Our governement has made rules that at night times if any vehicle is approaching from opposite side headlights of our vehicle should be dimmed to avoid focusing of . light on the driver in opposite vehicle inorder to avoid accidents . But, we ignore this which is cause for many accidents at night times.