These days’ traffic congestion is the biggest problem of densely populated cities. The project focuses mainly on three areas – priority mechanism for emergency vehicles like Ambulances, Fire Engines to control the traffic density for their smooth passage and monitoring the traffic junction. This project is a replica of a four way lane crossing in real time scenario. The project proposes primarily the problems faced by emergency vehicles. RFID concept is used to make green for the Ambulances lane and thus providing a stoppage free way for the Ambulance.The secondary, importance is given to controlling the traffic density by placing IR sensors used to measure the density of vehicles which are fixed at a fixed distance. If the traffic density is high on particular side, more priority is given for the side where the vehicular traffic is more and green signal is given to this side of the traffic. By using this system traffic can be cleared without irregularities and time delays. A Wireless camera is used to monitor the vehicular traffic time and also monitor the problems which might occur at the junction. A specific allocation of time is given way for smooth passage for pedestrians.
Zigbee Based Alerting System for Mine Workers
Industrial safety is one of the main aspects of industry specially mining industry. In the mining industry safety is a very vital factor. To avoid loss of material and damaging of human health, protection system as well as faithful communication system is necessary inside the underground mines. To increase both safety and productivity in mines, a reliable communication must be established between workers, moving in the mine, and a fixed base station. Inside mines, the wired communication system is not so effective, because of wires can be damaged inside mines. In this project we are going to monitor the Mine parameters like abnormal gas, temperature and fire sensors to avoid the harmful gas or high temperature attacking the Mine workers. In this project to avoid loss of material and damaging of human health in mine workers because of using text to voice converter .The text to voice converter gives continues information inside the mine workers and also cameras are used to video monitoring.
Cell Phone Controlled Pick and Place Robot
Although, the appearance and capabilities of robot vary vastly, all robots share the feature of a mechanical, movables structure under some form of control. The control of robot involves three distant phases: perception, processing, action. Generally, the preceptors are sensors mounted on the robot, processing is done by the on board microcontroller and the task is performed using motors or with some other actuators.In the project the pick and place robot is controlled by a mobile phone that makes a call to the mobile phone attached to the robot. In the course of a call, if any button is pressed a tone corresponding to the button pressed is heard at the other end called ‘Dual Tone Multiple frequency’ (DTMF) tone. The robot receives these tones with help of phone stacked in the robot. The received tone is processed by the microcontroller with the help of DTMF decoder IC MT8870. These IC sends a signals to the motor driver IC l293d which drives the motor in directions forward, reverse, left, right, pick, release, up, down, rotate left, rotate right.