In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to build a device that works as a virtual doctor. The device inputs patient data, which can then be emailed remotely to a registered physician using the simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) — the internet standard communication protocol for electronic transmissions. The purpose of this device is to support…
How to use IoT-based D2D automation
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use device-to-device (D2D) communication to make daily life a little simpler. For example, you’ll be able to control household appliances, such as the coffee machine, a light switch, or the AC — and do so from inside your vehicle. So, if you’re arriving home one evening, the presence…
Servo motor interfaced with nodemcu esp8266 12e: Controlling servo motor over WiFi
This tutorial is about interfacing a servo motor with nodemcu esp8266 WiFi module. A web page is served by the nodemcu which enlists the servo motor controls. User can connect to nodemcu esp8266 and access the web page. To open the web page in browser user has to type the HTTP address of the server…
How to control home or office appliances using voice recognition
Voice-controlled assistants that respond to human speech and commands are no longer a novelty. It’s estimated that one in every four adults in America owns a smart speaker, such as Google Home or Amazon’s Echo. These devices offer a point of communication between you and your connected devices, providing convenience and support by automating certain…
How to program an IoT-based coffee machine
Looking forward to a ready-made morning (or afternoon) cup of coffee? It’s possible to ensure the ideal cup at the ideal time is ready and waiting for you. This is thanks to an automated system that uses the Internet of things (IoT). In this tutorial, we’ll develop an IoT-based coffee machine that operates at a set…
Nodemcu esp8266 stepper motor NEMA 17 controlled over WiFi
This tutorial is about controlling stepper motor over WiFi through desktop or mobile web browser using nodemcu esp8266 WiFi module. Nodemcu will work as a server and it will serve a web page. Web page contains the stepper motor control buttons. Stepper motor takes steps to complete one full 360 degree rotation. Number of steps…
LM35 Temperature Sensor Pin out, Interfacing guide, Circuit Construction and Working Principals
LM35 is a temperature sensor that outputs an analog signal which is proportional to the instantaneous temperature. The output voltage can easily be interpreted to obtain a temperature reading in Celsius. The advantage of lm35 over thermistor is it does not require any external calibration. The coating also protects it from self-heating. Low cost (approximately…
How to generate and display self made Custom characters on 16×2 lcd
This tutorial is about making/building your own characters/special images and then displaying them on character 16×2 lcd. Generating custom characters or special character images and displaying on lcds of any sizes (16×1,16×2,8×1,8×2,20×1,20×2,40×1,40×2 etc) is not a very hard task. One must go through the internal structure of lcd control set in order to know how…
ADC0804 Analog to digital converter pin out and description
ADC0804 is an IC(integrated circuit) which converts the input analog voltage to its equivalent digital output. It is a stand alone analog to digital converter. Though now it is decades old and replaced by newer analog to digital converters which provide more flexibility, consumes less power, provides output in multiple formats and are smaller in…
Tic Tac Toe Multiplayer game in c++
Here is one of my semester project from my bachelors degree Tic Tac Toe game. It is made in c++ language using visual basic as tool to write and compile code. Game supports multiplayer as well as computer as a player. Its not an easy task to build this game especially when it includes computer as a player…
Graphical lcd (128×64) Pin out, working and interface
In this tutorial I am going to teach you the working and pin out of 128×64 graphical lcd. There are lot of graphical lcds available in the market. Each perform exactly the same function with some variations. Some are small in size and some bigger. Some are black and white and some multicolored. Some perform few numbers…
Making blinking pattern of leds with 8051 microcontroller
Blinking/flashing leds or making a special pattern of blinking leds through microcontroller is not a big task. One must know about the programming syntax of the particular microcontroller through which blinking led pattern is required. Numerous microcontrollers are available in market and each has its own programming ide(Integrated development environment). In this tutorial we are going to…
Battery voltage monitor with NodeMCU Esp8266-12E WiFi module
Measuring the voltage of your solar panel, UPS, and other daily-use batteries takes a lot of time. Grabbing a multimeter, opening the battery boxes, and touching both the multimeter leads to the battery terminals takes some effort. How about developing an efficient IoT system through which you can see the status of your battery on…
Measuring temperature over WiFi: LM35 temperature sensor interfaced with Nodemcu Esp8266-12e module
This is a simple DIY project on internet of things applications. How to monitor room temperature over WiFi? One can see temperature on his mobile, laptop or desktop computer by this DIY project. Popular LM35 temperature sensor is interfaced with Nodemcu ESP8266-12e WiFi module. Nodemcu gets raw temperature voltage form lm35, converts the voltage in…
Atmega162 UAR serial communication using Arduino IDE
I started working on a project with involves Atmega162 to be programmed in order to achieve the desired output. I started to write code using Atmel studio ide but I found it very hard to work with the Atmel studio ide. Atmel studio is slow and finding bugs etc is also very difficult. So I…
Interfacing stepper motor with 8051(89c51,89c52 ) microcontroller
Here is a simple tutorial on how to interface stepper motor with 89c51 microcontroller. Stepper motor as the name depicts takes steps to complete a full 360 degree circular rotation. We can rotate stepper in clock and anti clock wise direction. Stepper motor speed can also be varied. There are many types of steeper motors four…
Interfacing Latches(74ls574,74ls373) Flip flops with 8051 (89c51, 89c52) Microcontroller
In this project i am going to interface latches with 8051(89c51, 89c52) microcontroller. I am going to interface 74LS574 with 8051(89c51, 89c52). You can also interface any other latch(74ls373, 74ls374 etc) with a slight changes in the connections given in the circuit diagram. The whole project is about, grabbing the status of the latches inputs and then display…
Making and displaying Custom Characters on 16×2 lcd using 8051(89c51,89c52) Microcontroller
This tutorial is about making and displaying custom characters on 16×2 lcd using 8051(89c51,89c52) microcontroller. By custom i mean characters that are not alphabets, digits or ASCII value characters. Rather they are new and designed by us. I first recommend you to please go through the following simple tutorial. This will clear you about the internal structure of…
Serial data received from pc and displayed on 16×2 lcd using 8051(89c51,89c52) microcontroller UART port
In this post i am going to explain how to receive serial data from your pc and display it on 16×2 lcd using 89c51 microcontroller UART port. Hardware components of the project includes max232(TTL to RS232 level converter/shifter ), 8051(89c51,89c52) microcontroller and 16×2 lcd. On software side i am using Hyper terminal. Hyper terminal is a program through…
GLCD 128×64 graphical lcd(GLCD) interfacing with 8051(89c51,89c52) microcontroller
In this tutorial i am going to teach you how to interface graphical lcd 128×64 with 8051(89c51,89c52)microcontroller. 128×64 means that lcd has 128 coulombs and 64 rows. Which means you can make your desired image or text in 128×64 matrix square. Graphical lcds comes in many sizes, they also differ in characteristics. Some can be…