What is Raspberry Pi? Raspberry is a new (one year old), ultra small (credit card size), and cheap (35USD), Linux computer. The CPU is an ARM processor at 700MHz with 256 MB (typeA) or 512MB (typeB) of RAM.The flavors of Linux for Raspberry are Debian(Raspbian), Fedora (Pidora), RISC OS 5, Arch Linux ARM (derivate de Arch Linux). All in this article is dedicated to PIDORA. What a Raspberry Pi doesn’t have?Don´t have Hard Disk but have SD Card, which is enough for Raspberry. Don´t have real time clock, but we can make one with ntp (network time protocol) server. Don’t have a case included, you must buy apart.The fact of don´t have mechanical parts, such us fan coolers or hardisk makes Raspberry strongest, with null hardware maintenance, and with very low electrical consumption (It’s Ecological).
How to Interface Microcontroller with a Website
This article shows how to develop a interface software that read 2 values from a Microcontroller, through serial port, and show the 2 values in a Website. The process is next: The Microcontroller sends 2 values through serial port, every 2 seconds (in this example). First value must have the following format #0000. Second value must have the following format $0000. The interface software PC_serial_web.c reads the serial port COM1. The interface software PC_serial_web.cgenerate the website pic_serial_web.htm The website pic_serie_web.htm shows the 2 values and auto refresh every 2 seconds.Micro PIC –>( Serial Port)–> PC (PC_serial_web.c)–> Website (pic_serial_web.htm). The fact of to see values of a Microcontroller in a website it’s quite useful for many applications (counters, sensors, etc). Find an example code with the header file in the code tab!!