It goes without saying that technology is highly responsible for transforming the world around us in so endless number of ways. Not only it’s growing at a faster pace but it’s also gradually leading us to a smarter and better future. The term that has lately become the talk of the town is Internet of Things i.e. IoT. We are completely surrounded by so many applications of IoT in our daily lives but most of us are not aware of them. Interestingly, IoT was coined in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, a British entrepreneur, while he was working in his lab.
The Amazing World of Robotics and its Promising Future
As soon as we come across the word robot, we tend to imagine a metallic structure with arms and legs carrying a human-like appearance and running errands for our help. However, in actual terms, it’s just a machine operated externally or through a controller embedded within and doesn’t necessarily look like a human. Technically, robotics is a branch of Science and Engineering which deals with designing, constructing, and operating robots as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing.Interestingly, the concept is almost as old as the hills with the first robot dating back to 350 BC, built in the form of a mechanical bird, by a Greek mathematician named Archytas. Although the term was coined ages ago, the actual potential of the fully autonomous robotics was realised in the second half of the 20th century.
An Insight into Space Suits: Working, History, and Emerging Technologies
Space Suits are not just garments worn by astronauts on their journey to space; it’s more like an individual spacecraft. These are fully equipped with all the essential elements that are crucial to creating an environment which protects the astronauts from the extreme conditions of outer space. The astronauts are required to wear space suits while working in earth orbit, moon surface or anywhere else in space. These can be broadly categorised as IVA (Intravehicular activity), EVA (Extravehicular activity) and IEVA (Intra/extra vehicular activity); depending upon the purpose that they serve.Space is devoid of a lot of important elements like oxygen and contains various harmful radiations with temperatures ranging from 120 degrees C to -100 degrees C. In order to tackle this, a space suit is designed with systems that provide an appropriate amount of air pressure, oxygen and removes the carbon dioxide as well. Besides, it also offers protection against radiation and micrometeoroids moving at high speeds in the space.
Introduction to Cloud Computing and its Future Trend Predictions
Cloud computing is an internet-based computing that delivers services like servers, storage, networking, analytics, databases, and software. It offers shared computer processing resources and data to devices on demand. The cloud computing solutions enable individuals as well as business enterprises to store and process their data in third-party data centers instead of the involvement of local servers. Almost all internet users avail cloud computing services and apparently, it’s counted among the emerging technology trends. Even though you may not realise it but even the usage of e-mails to store important information is an example of cloud storage. The first cloud computing services were introduced one and a half decade ago but now it has evidently become quite popular among all kinds of enterprises including startups, government organisations, NGOs, and MNCs.
10 Emerging Technology Trends that will transform the World
Day by day we are inching one step closer towards a world which will be fully dependant on machines. In the present situation people are getting smart but devices are getting smarter. It’s said that technology grows in an exponential manner which is evident from the fact that it can make anything come alive ranging from an electronic toothbrush to a fully automated four-wheeler. Today, all the industries (directly or indirectly) rely on technology for their respective operations.In order to understand how impactful this advancement is going to be, we have listed down 10 technology trends that will change the world in the next few years.
Top 10 innovations in video games that are ruling the industry
From large mainframe computers to handheld devices, we have a come a long way in the journey of games. Today, the gaming industry is generating Billions of revenue owing to the technological advancements and the inclination of people’s interest towards these games. As per the latest stats, the key players namely China, Japan, and USA are making $24.4 Billion, $23.5 Billion and $12.4 Billion respectively.Besides, the number of people engaged in playing these games is currently at its peak, whereby majority includes children aged less than 18 years.
Online & Offline Circuit Design Software for Beginners and Professionals
The technological advancement and easy access to internet have made everything convenient for the masses, be it a routine activity or a professional task. Previously, we covered the list of apps, tools, and simulators for electronics designers that render great ease in the completion of electronic projects. Likewise, there are various online software that can assist the engineers while dealing with the circuits. These software allow everyone to learn and design circuits for both educational and professional purposes. Here is a compilation of online & offline circuit design software that are quite popular among the designers and hobbyists.
Free PCB Design Tools to make your Electronics Projects Interesting
Working on electronic projects can be a time taking and complicated procedure, particularly for the beginners. However, the availability of so many apps and software acts as a guide and saves a lot of time spent on seeking information from multiple sources. After discussing the apps, circuit design software, and simulators, here we are going to talk about the online tools that help in dealing with the PCBs.
10 Online Circuit Simulators for Dealing with Electronics Projects
There are some web-based simulation tools that aid the professional engineers and hobbyists in learning as well as carrying out various experiments related to the circuits. In this post, we are going to cover a compilation of such online circuit simulators that offer a great help while dealing with the electronics projects. You may also refer to our previous blogs on electronics apps, circuit design software, and PCB design tools.
An Introduction to Analog Electronics
The world of electronics is all about electrical circuits, electronic components, and interconnected technologies. All these elements can be primarily categorized as digital, analog, or a combination of both. However, here we will be focusing on the basics of the analog category in detail. Analog electronics is a branch of electronics that deals with a continuously variable signal. It’s widely used in radio and audio equipment along with other applications where signals are derived from analog sensors before being converted into digital signals for subsequent storage and processing. Although digital circuits are considered as a dominant part of today’s technological world, some of the most fundamental components in a digital system are actually analog in nature.
Insight into Arduino: Beginner’s Guide
Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible hardware and software, whereby the standard schematic can be used by anyone so as to make their own version of an Arduino board. An Arduino contains a physical programmable circuit board named microcontroller and software termed as IDE (Integrated Development Board). All the Arduino boards should be compatible with this IDE which is used to upload the computer code on the physical board.There are some very unique features contributing towards its exponential growth in the electronics world. It doesn’t need a separate piece of hardware to load the code on the board. Rather it can be done simply with a USB cable. Moreover, its IDE uses a simplified version of C++ which enables the beginners to get acquainted with programming in a convenient manner.
Beginners’ Guide to Electronics: 12 Basic Things you must know
In today’s modern era we have all the technological assistance in the form of apps, tutorials, and online tools so as to take on our electronics projects. Despite having a non-technical background, people can work with electronics in a highly efficient and organized manner. However, before using the aforementioned methods, one has to be acquainted with certain skills that lay the basic foundation of an electronic project. Here, we have compiled a set of basic electronics skills for beginners that act as a pre-requisite for ensuring success.
Smart Homes: Technology and Implementation of Home Automation
We use so many appliances at home that often it becomes a headache to keep track as to whether everything is switched off or not, especially after stepping out of the house. Home automation or smart home is a key that keeps you away from all these worries by automating the appliances and connecting them to a common network.It is basically a home where everything including the lights, alarm clocks, television, doors, windows, blinds, heating and cooling systems can talk to each other. Not only this, all such automated devices also receive as well as interpret their owner’ instructions and then behave accordingly. The success of home automation, to some extent, relies on the availability of smartphones as they can be easily connected to other devices through the internet and are highly portable.
IoT Startups in the World that are Worth a Glance
In our daily lives, we come across so many real life instances that utilize IoT technology. Apparently, the IoT industry is experiencing a boom at the present moment. Owing to this enormous growth and fruitful potential, many tech giants like IBM, Cisco, and Intel are investing huge amounts in this technology. Besides, many creative startups are also trying their luck in this field to maximize their profits in the ever expanding market.
15 PCB Assembly Tips for Electronic Engineers while Dealing with Electronic Projects
Often while working with PCBs, the electronics engineers (particularly students and beginners) face a problem in dealing with the complexity of the circuit boards due to a lack of experience. Breadboards are easy to work with because there is an option to plug in and plug out the components even if you make a mistake in the connection. However, when you switch to PCBs a lot has to be kept in mind whether it’s the soldering, de-soldering, or other related tasks. Although constant practice is crucial to achieving the expertise level, there are a handful number of tips that can level up your chance of success.
All you need to know about Mixed Reality: Bringing the Real and Virtual Worlds Together
In the past few years, both Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have been dominating the tech industry like never before. Be it the media coverage, video games or other commercial applications, the reality technologies can be found everywhere. The market is already witnessing an enormous growth and the future is going to be even more favourable in terms of sales and revenues. We have already discussed Virtual Reality vs. Augmented Reality and the related terms, but now it’s time to get acquainted with the concept of Mixed Reality aka Hybrid Reality. This term is a combination of both Virtual and Augmented Reality and is gradually taking over the market with its highly impressive capabilities.
20 Soldering Tips and Tricks for Electronic Engineers
Soldering is one of the most basic skills required to handle electronic projects. Although beginners can very well work with breadboards and other simple-to-operate components, once they learn how to solder, it gives them access to a whole new world of innovative ideas and possibilities. As we have discussed earlier, the PCBs are little more complex to handle than breadboards, in the same way, soldering is also a crucial skill to learn for the beginners. This is why we have come up with some soldering tips and guidelines for the electronic engineers. So, if you are afraid to even touch the soldering iron, these dos and don’ts will definitely help you a long way in your projects.
10 Noteworthy Apps for Electronics Designers
With the rapid use of smartphones and tablets around the globe, apps have become an inseparable part of our lives. Not only we tend to use them for entertainment but these are also quite useful for educational as well as professional purposes. This wide spectrum of users also includes people belonging to the field of electronics ranging from beginners to professionals.There are different apps which provide access to important information regarding the materials, tools, calculations and notable theoretical knowledge involved in the electronics projects.
Soft robotics: robots featuring biological movements
As we discussed earlier about the amazing world of robotics, it’s believed that fully autonomous robots weren’t developed until the second half of the 20th Century. In all these years, a lot of new inventions have taken place from drones to nanobots; not to forget the animal robots and humanoids that look just like living beings. However, this is not it! There is a lot more than what has been explored till now. The future of robotics would be re-defined by soft robotics, a concept that is still unknown to the masses.
DIY Arduino based mini CNC plotter using old DVD drives
An electrical design engineer by profession, Sandeep Sharma is a part time hobbyist who likes to experiment with electronic projects, especially involving Arduino. With an aim to share his knowledge about arduino and embedded projects, he owns a website as well as a YouTube channel through which he showcases certain interesting projects. In one of his Arduino based projects, he made a unique use of old DVD drives to build a DIY CNC Plotter at home. This machine is not only inexpensive but also quite easy to construct and operate. Presented here, is one of his exciting DIY projects that illustrates the construction and coding of an arduino based mini CNC plotter.