The use of solar energy technology is expanding rapidly in the wake of greater need for clean, renewable or alternative energy to save the Planet Earth. Expected to become the world’s largest source of electricity by 2050, solar power is an inexhaustible resourcethat can meet the energy requirements of the entire world.
Extended Reality: Blurring boundaries
Recent years have seen a series of exponential technological advances, innovation and invention manifested in variousways such as cloud, artificial intelligence, blockchain, augmented and virtual reality, Internet of things (Iot), robotics, quantum computing, and so on. This technology revolution represents vast potential for changing how human beings live, work, learn and share today, tomorrow and beyond.According to Accenture Technology Vision 2018, there is a paradigm shift in the role of business itself: it is moving closer to the centre of people’s lives.
BCI: Aiding Medical Science by Synchronising Mind with Machine
New approaches in augmenting human-machine interaction (HMI) have found to be extremely useful in mitigating effects of neurological diseases and injuries. Before we delve into the intricacies of these technologies, let us learn how HMI works in simple terms. Technologies and computer systems are assuming important tasks in our everyday life and work either visibly or behind the scenes. It is well known now that the smooth communication between people and machines requires interfaces – the place where or action by which a user engages with the machine.
Growing Role of Electronics in Healthcare Ecosystem
Healthcare sector is gradually achieving digital integration at all steps of a patient’s journey from lookout for symptomatic information, diagnosis, treatment and follow ups. Automation has embedded itself within various health care operations. The past two decades have seen the successful launch of various eInitiatives that’ve revolutionised most aspects of life, and their effectsare now being felt in the sphere of healthcare too.
Digital Security – Beware, Cyber-Thieves on the Prowl!
Digital technology is changing the ways businesses are run and the manner in people lead their lives today. Every day, there are newer ways for working, dealing and interacting with one another. As our digital footprint grows exponentially, we are forming our own online identities. Digital security is essential for protection of these identities. It includes the tools we can use to secure our identity, assets and technology in the online and mobile world. All this becomes imperative as criminals are always finding new ways to steal information from users.
Light-matter interaction: engineering light behaviour at nanoscale
Light, as we know, sustains the web of life on the Earth. Sunlight (absorbed by chlorophyll) is very essential for photosynthesis that takes place in plants for making the food we eat and releasing the oxygen that we breathe. Besides this, many organisms make use of this interaction in basic sensory mechanisms for guiding their behaviour either through a complex process like vision or relatively simpler photosens¬itivity of micro-organism. From engineering standpoint, it is this very interaction between light and matter that forms the basis of a wide range of technologies including lasers, LEDs and atomic clocks.
Electronic Engineering: Transforming Lives
The mandate of engineers today has gone much beyond simply creating, designing and building tools and systems to bringing solutions to problems and transforming the environment for betterment of whole community, nature and human groups. They have a big role to in the deep transformation of human activities impacting social, economic and working environment.
Growing Popularity of Smart Home Ecosystems
Smart home devices are the in-thing today as they make it easier to control wireless, video, data, security, climate and lighting applications or home appliance and lifestyle gadgets with a single command. Home automation ranges from simple activities like setting up a lamp to turn it on and off at your whim to advanced surveillance cameras, house-cleaning robots, and Wi-Fi routers.