Irrespective of their applications, a good power supply is always needed to propagate electronic circuits. Hence, it becomes a priority to keep record of power supply, especially when the circuits and their corresponding gadgets are battery powered. Systems such as household power supply inverters, emergency lighting units are placed in this category where dependence on battery is always there. So, the user always needs to keep an eye on the battery levels so that these systems do not run out of power.
Most of the Emergency lamps do not have low battery indicator which is essential to indicate the deep discharge of battery. So if the Emergency lamp is switched on continuously, battery will discharge deeply and causes 2 problems. 1. Ends of the fluorescent tube will turns black and fails. 2. If the battery is discharged fully, it may develop memory effect and will not accept full charge. To avoid these problems, the battery should not be allowed to discharge below its 50% efficiency. This simple add on circuit will give a visual indication when the battery enters in to the deep discharge stage.
Fig. 2: Image of a Battery
Circuit Diagrams
Filed Under: Electronic Projects
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