Building LED paper Helicopter
One might have experienced a wave of flashing helicopters in concerts that comes down at the end. It is an easy task to build such thing and Instructables can actually show you the process of building the paper helicopter and the LED-blinking electronics. All you need is a sheet of stiff paper, tape, Scissors or X-Acto knife and a Printer.
First start with nicely cutting down the helicopter, where all the corners must be nicely rounded. The designing of the electronics of the blinking LED has to be light, cheap, and doable with relatively common components. Therefore 123D Circuits are used for designing as it’s free and also has an awesome electronics simulator.
The ubiquitous 555 timer is being used to create the on/off signal for the LED along with a NPN transistor is used to confirm the LED performance. The circuit’s two basic version uses resistors and a capacitor to get the blinking right.
The electronics have two versions, fast but inefficient and efficient but slow. Both the version is available here. The prior method is not beneficial, if you want to build those in bunches and for the late version, you have to wait for two weeks for PCBs to arrive. Once the Circuits are built on to a breadboard and some final soldered piece are used in the helicopter. You can start flying after inserting the circuit in the Paper Helicopter.
Do bend the wings in opposite directions before flying that creates the spinning motion.
Check out the link for complete details -:
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