C.H.I.P a Kickstarter project, which claims to be a complete computer for $9, only. It’s like the name suggests, a chip, which can connect to your peripherals and do every single thing you would want a computer to do. You can surf the internet, work on files, watch shows and literally, everything else. It runs a variant of Debian Linux and comes with open hardware. That means you can experiment and add new things to this already cool C.H.I.P.
You can connect to its onboard storage of 4GB, 512 RAM, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth without any added expense. Yes, all of it in $9. It has a 1GHz single core processor and can connect to ANY monitor. You don’t need to configure anything to suit any device. It truly is plug and play.
Don’t believe us? Check out the link below and book a C.H.I.P today. Like their website says, you can play games, make music, surf the internet and it comes with a lot of free apps for the users. You can add an external battery and make it last longer if connected to a powerless source.
Do you think Raspberry Pi just got a competitor? We think, it did. They better pull up their socks or it’s bye-bye for them.
The only drawback we can see is, that it is supposed to have a shipping date of May 2016.
Excuse us, while we book a C.H.I.P. and dream about it. Good Luck to the team!
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