Zipwhip a cloud testing company made a new DIY device, their objective is to give users a way to send and receive their texts from the cloud. Texting is a very important medium and it has been stuck in our mobile phone for ages, still a major enhancement has not been made. To break this tagline, Zipwhip has come up with this idea.
The first thing for Zipwhip is to solve cloud texting and get texts into the cloud. Once they reach cloud you can do anything, you can send a text from the web, desktop, tablets, iPads, Kindle Fires, or even from the family TV! By installing the Zipwhip application on your Android phone your texts are synced in real time. In addition to mobile, you can also use for your landline that allows users to send and receive texts from their existing business or residential landlines. That’s right, you can order dinner via text from a restaurant with a Zipwhip enabled landline, it’s a powerful platform with thousands of use cases .
Steps to follow to make your’s one
– Get Textspresso Circuit Board.
– Get all Spare Parts: – Capacitors, Resistors, Transistors, Optocouplers, power supply, SD card, wireless USB adapter.
– Buy a machine: – Seattle Coffee Gear super automatic espresso machine.
– Setup Raspberry-pi.
– Create a Zipwhip account.
– Configure your Zipwhip account to the machine.
– Text yourself a coffee.
It’s all set now, now you can text anyone across globe! Hope that this DIY is handy and made easy. Sync and send your text through cloud.
Filed Under: Reviews
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