General Guidelines
· Once your application for participation in the program is accepted, you can start submitting your complete works every month. The last date of submitting your work is 30th (last day) of every month. Once we receive your work, you will receive an acknowledgement mail within 3 business days.
· Our Editorial team will review your work based on eligibility criteria mentioned below and inform you about the acceptance/rejection of your work within 30 days.
· Payments will be released for the accepted work on 30th (last day) of every month. The payments will be credited to your bank accounts in 4 – 7 days once the payment process has begun.
Quality Guidelines
· The work should be in English language only.
· The write up should be original. If any part is found to be copied from Internet or other sources, your work will not be eligible for publishing on our portal or any of its associated channels. Originality and uniqueness are two most important features in work and will not be compromised. Secondly, the article should not be mere imitation or obvious modification of other works being published elsewhere.
· Describe your work with the best possible explanations understandable by others.
· Minimum length of an article should be at least 700 words.
· Support your work with original images, block diagrams, figures and calculations wherever needed, for better and clear understanding of the topic.
· Send us all the details like code, circuits, images etc. We will not accept incomplete attempts.
· Submitted work should not be previously published (this does not include the work published on personal blogs).
· Copyright remains with the author. First Electronics Rights will remain with EngineersGarage. However, should your piece be published again, we request an acknowledgement stating that the piece was first published at EngineersGarage. The website reserves the rights to archive and anthologize your work – electronically and in print.
· Content that is covered by Intellectual Property rights like photographs, schematics, files, and videos, you agree to specifically give us the following permission: you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with EngineersGarage (“IP License”).
· Do not send us IEEE papers or other similar publications. Also the work which already exists on the site or any simple modification of the same will not be accepted.
· Work which has been sent earlier and has been rejected or is already published will not be accepted.
Submission Guidelines
· Send us your work in doc/docx format. If there is more than one file, you can send a zip file. Do not send us pdf files or other unconventional formats.
· Please ensure the language in the article is grammatically correct and spell checked before submitting.
· Ensure that you have included all the necessary files like description, images, video, circuit, code, etc.
Sr no. |
Category |
Description |
Word length |
Details |
Payout |
Example |
1 |
Project |
Upto |
1. Title |
click here |
2.Summary |
150-200 words |
Aim of the project |
how-use-ps2-keyboard-store- |
General Application of circuit |
How will you demonstrate it’s working |
3.Description |
900-1000 words |
Represent circuit in a simplified block |
Explain working of each block including |
Details of the specific functions used in the |
Features of the microcontroller board |
Working of the circuit |
4.Circuit Diagram |
(Original, Neat) |
Part number of components |
Pin number |
Values of the components |
Polarity |
Supply Voltage values |
5.Code |
Properly |
.c file of main code + .h file of header files |
Well commented |
6.Implemented Circuit |
Clear |
Image of implemented Circuit |
7.Video |
Connections to hardware |
Feeding Input and Obtaining output |
2 |
Circuit |
1. Title |
2.Summary |
150-200 words |
Aim of the project |
General Applications of the circuit |
How will you demonstrate it’s working |
3.Description |
700-1000 words |
Represent circuit in a simplified block |
Explain working of each block including |
Working of the circuit |
4.Circuit Diagram |
(Original, Neat) |
Part number of components |
Pin number |
Values of the components |
Polarity |
Supply Voltage values |
5.Implemented Circuit |
Clear |
Image of implemented Circuit |
6.Video |
Connections to hardware |
Feeding Input and Obtaining output |
3 |
Tutorial |
1. Summary |
150-200 words |
General explaination about the topic |
pulse-width-demodulation-circuit-design |
General Applications |
Parts included in the tutorial |
2. Description |
1000-1500 words |
Descriptive explaination of parts with drawings |
4 |
Article |
1. Description |
1500-2000 words |
History |
what-is-barcode-reader- |
Need |
hard-disk-tutorial- |
Describe the topic in depth covering the |
Images |
Block Diagrams |