Aditya loves to demonstrate his project every now and then. Recently, he shared a demo video outlining peripherals on the latest Witty Cloud board. The project has a few peripherals like LDR, RGB LED, along with a user button. The interface of this project is mainly based on the most amazing ESP8266 Analog Broadcast Television Interface that has been appreciated by a lot of people lately.
The main features of this cloud board include HTML page hosting from ESP8266, button, RGB LED, LDR, and websocket connection with the ESP8266 board. Whole data folder needs to be uploaded over SPIFFS. It is one of the basic prerequisites of the HTML page. Place all in similar folder as is in the use tools and repo. It will copy down all files over SPIFFS and all these will be accessible over your sketch. In case, you are unable to see the menu option, try bringing-in the SPIFFS tool. As the maker you will have to modify a line in menuinterface.js that will match the IP address of your board. Standard wise, this needs to coordinate with var connection = new WebSocket (‘ws://’+location.hostname+’:81/’, [‘arduino’]);.
The arduino sketch will be based on two examples called WebSocketServer.ino and FSBrowser.ino. Fundamentally, it is executing a Websocket server and a HTTP server. The HTML/JS files can be uploaded from SPIFFS.Whenever it gets specific commands over the websocket connection, it will respond only with a special message. Therefore, the websocket connection is operating in a ping-pong fashion and it needs to be as swift as possible. The system works constantly somewhere near 230Hz.
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