Digi-Key Electronics recently released a completely new secondary KiCad library named as Digi-Key Partner Library on GitHub. This new library will be an add-on to the already functions Digi-Key KiCad library that was introduced last year.
Fig. 1: A Preview of Digi-Key’s New KiCad Library
The earlier version of this library was created and curated by Digi-Key’s Applications Engineering team. It was developed to help manufacturers submit their own footprints and symbols that can be compiled into Digi-Key format.
In Maker’s Words
Randall Restle, the VP of Applications Engineering, says, “KiCad continues to grow in popularity as the open source alternative of robust EDA tools. The user community’s endorsement of Digi-Key’s atomic part library, which binds parts’ symbols to their correct printed circuit board footprints, datasheets, part numbers, and more, motivated us to develop the software tools to enable and motivate suppliers to develop their own KiCad design assets. Thereby, becoming a gold standard for such assets.” The initial 45 parts of this library are to be submitted by TRINAMIC Motion Control GmbH. It will keep on expanding as more and more suppliers get attached with to the program.
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