If you have ever dealt with batch of a few gallons of beer, cider, or mead, you must be knowing how difficult it is to deal with the foul smell that comes from the liquids during the first 72 hours of fermentation. Only if someone could come up with a solution as air freshners are just temporary relievers and you have to still face the problem. You can now create your own airlock that will take away the fermentation smell that comes from emission of CO2 from the fermentation chamber. The hardware required for this purpose includes a three piece airlock, rubber band, small plastic bag, clean plastic bottle along with a cap of same size, some cotton pads or balls, and an unused Brita water filter. The tools list comprises razor blade, scissors, bowl, plate, small nail, thumbtack, and glue.

The first step is to glue the top end of the plastic bottle cap with the top of the airlock cap. Make sure you glue it well and then leave ti for drying. Also, glue the edges at the meeting point of two caps to form a tight bond. Next, pick up the Brita water filter and turn it upside down. With the help of scissors poke some holes through its four small screens and bring out all the contents from those holes on a bowl along with its activated carbon. This activated carbon will act as filter later on.
Now, cut the water bottle into two equal pieces or long enough that it can keep all the activated carbon you derived from the filter in the last step. Try to be as accurate as possible as too much will make the lock heavy. Keep the above part of the bottle and give away the bottom one. When the cap has dried out completely, poke a few holes on its rear end with the help of a nail through both the caps. This will help the CO2 pass in the air, ensure the holes go throughout the way. Now, screw the cap on the bottle part you kept and turn the bottle upside down.
Now place a few cotton balls in the bottom of water bottle to keep the carbon from reaching the airlock. When the cotton balls are positioned well, fill the activated carbon on them. Cover the bottle top with the help of a plastic bag and fix it in a place with a rubber band. Now with thumbtack make some holes in the plastic wrap. Now you can attach the airlock to your fermentating beer or meld container and get rid of foul smell.
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