How far can one go to show the awesome geeky part of his? Fill the house with all the weird and popular electronic gadgets? Get your car loaded with some out of the world accessories. Amazing phone, super powered computer and television etc etc are some pretty common ways to show the geeky and crazy for electronics. How about making an invitation…say of your b’day or wedding…and making it electronic? Really?? Amazing, isn’t it?
Ok,so , if you’re not an electronics freak and still want electronics touch for invitations of some very special events, you can still make it. This amazing DIY on making a geeky wedding invitation details with a thorough step by step tutorial on how to DIY an electronic wedding invitation. You can of course stretch beyond the wedding domain and make it for any occasion.
Let’s see what else is there in it except the thrill of electronics. The geeky factor spreads to a larger community and the wow factor remains like forever with the card. The card won’t ever join the bulk with others and has the potential to get asked about again and again and again.
So, dig in to this blog and craft out some of the best creative stuff which, along with electronics, gives an out of the box feel and makes the event as special for anyone as it is for you…and the card. Check out these interesting pics giving glimpses of how the stuff worked out!!
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