The one we are going to talk about here is a simple economical system that offering brilliant results in terms of root and plant development. The ultrasonic foggers used in this one consume very less power and cost very little. These atomize a nutrient solution under an oxygen rich highly humid surrounding that leads to rapid development of stem and roots. The best thing is it is very easy in terms of creation and the only tricky tool that you will need for this one is a razor blade. Rest all can be purchased from any nearby home improvement store other than a ultrasonic mister. The experts recommend general hydroponic line of essential nutrients, but you can also use liquid miracle grow. It is equally efficient and cost much less.
The creation process begins with a plastic tub, all you need to take care is the quantity of water that should be enough for the fogger to optimally support and some space fr fog. If your tub has a depth of 6-inches or more you are good to go. Next, you will need 3-inches net cup, in case you are planning to grow herbs you can go for a 2-inch one otherwise for larger veggies 3-inches is minimum requirement. You will also need hydrotons, the expanded clay pellets. They hold very little moisture and offer better expanded surface for root to hold up. In case, these are not available you can always use pea gravel. Ultrasonic misters can be purchased from Amazon or Ebay for 5.00-6.00 just ensure this one has power supply. Other requirements include rock wool, seeds, nutrients, weather stripping, etc.
You can begin the process by placing net cups on lid to take care of placement and spacing. Once you have sliced the tray as per cup size, apply a weather stripping all over the lid. The sticky side of this stripping should be one the lid and not on the lip of the tub. Glue the fogger to the tub’s bottom. Ensure that the fogger doesn’t get placed under the cup because the ultrasonic field it uses will atomize the water and will blast the roots that come into it. In case, you are using hydrotons, ensure they are washed properly otherwise the clay dust will get collected on the ultrasonic foggers’ transducer disk.
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