We all know of fancy cloud computing softwares, but what if we only and only need a place to backup and store our data? Adding a storage network to your device is known as creating a NAS (). You can create your own NAS, using Raspberry Pi and share files with anyone available within your local network. It runs on very little power, so you don’t need to pay a bomb to be online 24/7.
There are more than one ways to go about it, but in this particular DIY we will be using Raspbian OS and SSH for communication. If you are lost on either of the two, you can check out tutorials online. The other equipment you need for this, would be at least a 4 GB SD Card, if you have an 8 GB card, it’s even better. An Ethernet cord or a wifi dongle and an external hard drive, are needed too. We start with updating the Pi and installing NTFS support for the hard drive. Then comes mounting the hard drive onto a directory. You can get all the instruction set on the tutorial below and see how you can password protect your NAS, as well.
Once you get the hard drive connected to the right directory, download and install the Samba package and integrate your drive to the Samba ‘config file’. This guy in the tutorial has done a very good job at explaining, each step, along with every command and technical jargons. Hope you will enjoy this DIY as much as we did.
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