Summary of the circuit-
1. E-toss is a very fascinating project.
2. This circuit can be made easily at home, as all the components are available in the market at a low cost.
3. With the help of this circuit you can make a coin toss; the only difference is that you have to press the button for head or tail.
4. You can use this game for fun or you can also use this circuit for decision making games.
Principle behind Circuit-
The project demonstrates a very interesting demonstration of E-Toss which is a good option in place of a coin toss. It can also be used as a game i.e. it can be played by two or more members and they have to choose either a head or tale and press the switch. The player, whose prediction turns out to be true, wins the game. This circuit can also be used in the games like cricket where there is a need to make decisions.
The circuit is constructed with the help of IC CD4017, transistors and two LEDs along with few other helping components. The whole project is divided into two parts; first one is a multivibrator part. This part is made with the help of three transistors T1(2N4401),T2(2N4401) and T3(2N4403) along with five resistors(R1,R2,R3,R4,R5) and two capacitors(C1,C2). While the rest half of the project is a CMOS decade counter made with the help of IC CD4017 along with three resistors (R6, R7, and R8) and two LEDs (D1, D2).
When the switch is pressed, the LEDs start to blink at a speed similar to a flip flop. And at the end, one LED glows while the other does not.
The circuit needs a voltage range from 9V to 12V DC power to carry out work.
Note- You can mark any one LED as Head and other as Tail. Suppose LED1 will be head and LED2 will be tail.
Components required building the circuit-
(IC1) CD4017
R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 1.2K
R7, R8 220E
C1 10uF
C2 1uF
D1,D2 any colour
T1, T2 2N4401
T3 2N4403
S1 push-to-on
Power Supply 9V-12V
Fig. 1: Prototypeof Simple Electronic Toss Circuit designed on a breadboard
Circuit Diagrams
Project Components
Project Video
Filed Under: Electronic Projects
Filed Under: Electronic Projects
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