Many electronic code lock are available in market some using microcontroller and many more using discrete electronics components. But because of large components it uses, they are bulky and cannot be handy to use.
Fig. 1: Prortoytpe of Electronic Lock using Switches Circuit on Breadboard
Assemble the circuit properly. The switch we are using is push to make switch means when you press the switch it conducts and when you release the button switch become disconnected. In our circuit correct code is S1, S3, S5, S8 by pressing this
Fig. 2: Protoytpe of Electronic Lock using Switches Circuit on Breadboard
code lock will become open and if any other switch is press in between than we will get an alarm.
As you can see from circuit diagram when you press the switch S1 whose one end is connected with power supply and another end is connected with switch S3 so when you press the switch S1 power supply from switch S1 is provided to switch S3 and then to switch S5 and then to S8 if correct code is pressed.
Assemble the circuit properly. The switch we are using is push to make switch means when you press the switch it conducts and when you release the button switch become disconnected. In our circuit correct code is S1, S3, S5, S8 by pressing this code lock will become open and if any other switch is press in between than we will get an alarm.
Circuit Diagrams
Project Components
Project Video
Filed Under: Electronic Projects
Filed Under: Electronic Projects
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