Long relaxing showers sound like fun except for the fact that this leads to a lot of wastage. All the fresh and clean water you use for this purpose actually ends up in the drain along with the heat you used in warming it. However, there is one small hack that can help you in saving this wastage and never again feel guilty after long showers.

Showerloop, is an interesting open source system that recycles the hot water continuously. Created by a team working in Vanta, this one traps the hot water running down the drain, purifies it, and then sends it again for reuse. The used water from drain actually passes through some filters arranged in series – sand, activated carbon, and then finally microfilter. It then passes through ultraviolet light sterilization before reaching the water source again. As per its maker, Jason Selvarjam, the recycled water is so pure that its level exceeds that of EU and US drinking water standards.
The makers have kept the dimensions of this system so slim that it can fit in any conventional or traditional shower system. The project can be built easily by most common materials and regular tools that you will find around you.
You can find the instructables for this project here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Showerloop/
The source file can be downloaded from here as well and then be used for making the project your own.
With the help of this system around 33,000 liters of water can be saved without any problem. No doubt, it is a brilliant effort in direction of environmental conservation and better management of resources.
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