MCBs or Miniature Circuit Breakers are electromechanical devices which protect an electrical circuit from an overcurrent. The overcurrent, in an electrical circuit, may result from short circuit, overload or faulty design. An MCB is a better alternative to a Fuse since it does not require replacement once an overload is detected. Unlike fuse, an MCB can be easily reset and thus offers improved operational safety and greater convenience without incurring large operating cost.
Fig.1: Image of MCB
Fig. 2: Internal Specifications of MCB
Tripping mechanism of MCB
Fig. 3: ON State of MCB
Fig. 4: Coil Arrangement and Layout of Internal Parts
Connections of the coil
Switching Mechanism
Fig. 7: Plunger Mechanism
Role of Plunger
Fig. 8: Images showing Movement of Plunger
Fig. 9: Moveable Contact–Plunger Arrangement
Mechanical Assembly
Fig. 11: Image showing Connection of Moveable Contact with Coil
Structure of Plunger
Fig. 12: Plunger and spring Arrangement
Fig. 13: Structure and Arrangement of Plunger, Moveable Contact, and Spring
Arrangement of mechanical parts
Fig. 15: Arrangement of Plunger, Coil, and Spring
Parts of MCB
Fig. 17: Parts of Single Pole Assembly Parts
Arc quenching
Fig. 19: Mechanism of Arc Production
Arc Chutes
The image below shows the arc chute used in the MCB for arc quenching purposes.
Fig. 20: Arc chute
Fig. 21: Mechanical Arrangement of Arc Chute
Fig. 22: Bimetallic Strips
Over heat protection
Filed Under: Insight
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