Recently, Intel introduced its top-tier adoption of its FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) acceleration for their products lineup. It is one of the biggest use of reprogrammable silicon chips to provide a helping hand to mainstream applications for present day data center. Intel® FPGAs are foundation stones for latest kind of data center with speed and versatility to take care of several workloads varying from financial to analytical services.
Fig.1 : Intel’s Adoption Of FPGAs To Enhance Efficiency Of Enterprise Workloads Hits Mainstream market
The exponential data growth has created the need for data center operators to address the rapidly rising need for better operational efficiency. Data centers are now adopting Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors that work in sync with an accelerator that backs up the data intensive performance needing tasks in a workload. Intel FPGAs are capable of delivering the most ideal match of accelerator-driven operational and performance efficiency across the latest profile of Intel Xeon Scalable processor based servers. Leading OEMs, Fujitsu, and Dell EMC plan to add-in a complete Intel software and hardware stack inside their individual offerings that have Intel® Programmable Acceleration Cards along with Intel Acceleration Stack and Arrial® 10 GX FPGA for Intel Scalable processors with FPGAs.
The corporate executive officer as well as head of Data Center Platform Business Unit for Fujitsu adds that, “We are very excited to partner with Intel to provide high-performance data centers to our customers. We are beginning our adoption of Intel Programmable Acceleration Card with Arria 10 GX FPGA with PRIMERGY server and engaging our priority customers. The FPGA acceleration benefits enable operators to tackle the opex constraints while still achieving scale, performance and adaptability.” The vice president of Intel Programmable Solutions Group , Reynette Au, also adds, “We are at the horizon of a new era of data center computing as Dell EMC and Fujitsu put the power and flexibility of Intel FPGAs in mainstream server products. We’re enabling our customers and partners to create a rich set of high-performance solutions at scale by delivering the benefits of hardware performance, all in a software development environment.”
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