Mobile phone Spywares were introduced as a measure of Parental control and for tracking purpose to locate the mobile phone in emergency situations. An Internet Slang is the popular shorthand language used for easy communication through internet based emails and SMS. Internet Slang is also known as Net speak or Chat speak. The internet slag was originated to save time and key stroke. Most people use the internet slang abbreviations in texting, messaging and writing in social networks. The word Slang means the use of informal words and expressions which are not considered standard in the dialect or standard. The origin of the word slang is uncertain but it has some connection with the word Thieves’ cant which is a secret language used by thieves. Some popular internet slangs are LOL meaning “laughing out loud” and ROFL meaning “rolling on the floor laughing”. The SMS language called Textese is the most common internet slang used in text messaging. Experts say that heavy use of Codes and Slangs in internet and mobile phone may create problems in children to grasp the basic grammatical concepts and reduce their thinking and speaking ability.
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