This is a hobby project from Cruddy is a self-operating line follower mobile robot that detects and follows a line that is drawn on the floor. The chassis for the project is taken from a remote controlled toy car. The robot takes slow steps to follow the line in caution. It may also walk backwards if the line is exceeded.
Let us take a note of the major components used in designing this line follower:
1. PIC16F877A – Brain
2. RC Car – Body
3. Sensors – Senses
4. Circuit is powered by – 9v Battery (1 piece)
Motor is powered by – AA Batteries (4 pieces)
5. Motors – 2 DC motors
The robot uses an operational amplifier comparator IC LM358 for its functioning. Whenever a line is detected, the op-amp produces a 0 logic which otherwise produces a high (+5V) logic. The output is then used in an if-else statement in the assembly program.
Three pairs of Leds and LDR sensors is used. LDR are special resistors called light dependent resistors. Normally their resistance is very high but when light incidents on its surface, its resistance decreases and it almost behaves like a conductor. The assemble code may aid further in understanding the working of this line follower. Keep exploring..!!
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