Considering the present day perspective, there is nothing better than LED bulbs when it comes to lighting up your home. As compared to the CFL bulbs, the LED lights use very less power and happens to be more eco-friendly. In this blog, we are sharing a simple method using which you can make a LED light with your old household wastes. We also suggest you to be little more careful as you will be dealing with high power supply. Also ensure you carry out the project in some safe conditions, stay focused as distracted hands might give you some lethal shocks.

Now let’s talk about the required components. To make a LED bulb, you will need a few LEDs, 100ohm resistors, 470ut capacitor, DVD disc, mosquito racket, and 10k ohm resistors. You can always abstract the 470j 400v capacitor and 1N4007 diodes from the old mosquito racket. Moving on to the circuit diagram, the circuit meant for these bulbs will mainly help in connecting the components with each other. The 470j 400v capacitor here will work as a voltage dropping capacitor. It transforms the high voltage based ac supply to required low voltage ac supply depending on the value of capacitor you used. The combination of capacitor resistor will drop all stored energy from capacitor as soon as you switch off the power. The 470uf capacitor filters out all unrequired ac ripples while the 1N4007 diodes bridges circuit turns ac into dc supply.
All components are to be assembled as per the circuit diagram in the PCB board.
For assembling of parts, the plastics can be taken from cleaning mop in your house. You can now paste the DVD disc to plastic and make holes as per the number of LEDs you wish to insert. Now assemble the LED in disc holes and connect all in serial. Next, make hole in another plastic to insert a CFL bulb connector. For final connection, just connect the circuit with the bulb connector. The output needs to be connected with the LEDs.
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