The Photon Factory made at the University of Auckland which is a laser lab, have been working on the electronic building of a nanosecond transient absorption spectrometer, which will be responsible for exciting molecules initially and then detecting the excited state. Further, another laser will look out for the length of the stability of the excited states, which will be used to do research on photoactive molecules. The molecules are made up of nanoparticles that can convert sunlight into energy.
Fullerene triad molecule is the type of molecule where light excites an electron in the porphyrin and then fullerene takes up the electron. Next, the iron, which is oxidized at the top of the molecule by giving away the electron to the porphyrin, is separated. This process is adapted to turn sunlight into usable energy and the spectrometer will look out for the length of this charge separated states for designing efficient fullerene triad molecules.
An ultrafast transient absorption spectrometer which has the capability to send pulses in femtoseconds is useful to excite and to search fast chemical reactions. The excited state of molecules can range from nanosecond to millisecond. In-house Arduino-based delay generator can be constructed by using computer-controlled Arduino to set the delay, although such generator can also be purchased from the market at a higher price.
For constructing the electronic delay, which is responsible for delaying the pulse which comes from the pumping laser. This help in firing the probing laser at variable times and helps to understand the process of how the excited state decays.
Digital delay generators are generally used in laser applications to look for the scheduling of the nanoseconds and understand the processes happening during the nanosecond scale and below. The commercial digital delays use oscillating clocks for scheduling the timing but it can be replaced with the Arduino nanosecond delay generator in the lab and is capable of delaying a signal by 4 ns to 10 ns.
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