The annoying grin that we face when we ask someone to switch on the fan or the air conditioner for us, the view is weird as well as hilarious, but the trend is all set to be replaced. The vexed home automation system just got flexible and rationalized with the cost effective PLC and Wi-Fi based home automation system.
The author has redefined home automation system with the concept of integration of Wi-Fi with power line communication. The current high-end home automation is replaced with this low cost solution and comprises of TI CC3200 Wi-Fi enabled Launchpad further accompanied by a C series Launchpad microcontroller.
The design and the implementation of this Grade A home automation system is sincerely subtle as the components can be arranged easily. Eliminating the low cost and low range dependent home automation system, the new invention is seemingly easy to create and implement.
The CC3200 is aligned with the encoder module, which is connected to the power line. The power line that is connected to the old communication system is utilized in the circuit and the C series microcontroller is networked with the decoder module. For the demonstration of the whole event, the author has connected bulbs in place of ports, which also acts as appliances attached to the circuit. In general application, the appliances can be otherwise networked through an android phone application.
When button on the application of the phone is pressed then the transmitted signal through Wi-Fi travels luxuriously to the CC3200 Wi-Fi module. The module, smart enough to understand whether to turn on the device or vice versa, encrypts the data and sends it through the power line and the local wiring of the house and rests at the decoder port.
The decoder port, following its routine, then decodes the signal and asks the microcontroller to do the needful (turn on or turn off the devise). The switch is stimulating the signal-using relay and the android application on the phone is the dominant dictator of the whole circuit. Kudos the creators for such an innovative and a cost effective solution.
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