Praxair Inc. has recently announced that its subsidiary NuCO2, the largest fountain beverage carbonation provider in the U.S., has launched the XactCO2 HP (high-pressure) patent-pending fill system. It’s a permanent, scalable carbon dioxide cylinder supply system for restaurants and bars. The XactCO2 HP fill system is currently being launched in Denver, Atlanta, and the greater San Francisco area. It will be launched in the country later this year.
Discussing the working of the new system, it contains cylinders connected to a small fill box located outside the site. Interestingly, the fill box is just 6 inches by 6 inches in dimensions with 2 inches of depth.

Praxair Launches an Innovative Beverage Carbonation Solution named XactCO2 (Image Courtesy: Praxair)
The company representatives fill the cylinder system from a truck at regularly scheduled intervals thereby supporting the establishment’s monthly volume requirements. This results in fountain soft drinks and draught beer being properly carbonated with certified beverage grade carbon dioxide.
The XactCO2 HP fill system is a safe, reliable, efficient and economical solution for customers’ beverage carbonation requirements. It is easy to use and with the help of standard deliveries based on establishment usage patterns, customers have to devote less time to reviewing fill status and ordering the product.
In addition, it doesn’t require people to move individual cylinders in and out of their restaurants thus reducing product loss and service interruptions. It also helps customers in managing compliance and carbon dioxide costs. Lastly, these benefits are backed by 24 x 7 customer service.
About Praxair
Praxair, Inc. is a leading industrial gas company in North and South America and one of the largest worldwide. The company produces, sells and distributes atmospheric, process and specialty gases, and high-performance surface coatings. Praxair products, services, and technologies are making this planet more productive by bringing efficiency and environmental benefits to a wide variety of industries, including aerospace, chemicals, food and beverage, electronics, energy, healthcare, manufacturing, primary metals and many others.
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