This tutorial has made use of the raspberry pi to power a photo frame for the living room. The common digital picture frames found at home that cycles through a bunch of pre-loaded jpg of your friends and family has been reinvented by using Raspberry Pi Model B, 8GB SD Card and Rapbian Wheezy.
In this project, gifs and other files don’t work yet. With this, a slideshow begins using the frame buffer. The slideshow is halted in the midnight to reboot the Raspberry Pi and then cycle starts over. This process works after installation of Raspbian wheezy on the SD Card, popping it into the raspberry Pi and then booting it up.
The root partition is expanded to fill SD Card and the keyboard layout is changed along with the time-zone. After rebooting, the Raspberry Pi in few minutes will resize the root and will ask to login. Pi is the username by default with password raspberry. The system is now up and running but there are other better ways to perform this task.
For codes and complete details, check out the following link.
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