Bajdi that basically deals in Arduino electronics and robotics tried to find ways to control Service droid robot over Wi-Fi.
He installed the python-SMBus package which he found online, allowed him to send data over I2C from a Raspberry Pi to a micro controller. He configured I2C on the Raspberry Pi via Adafruit. It provided guidance to how to configure the same.
His droid robot is equipped with an ATmega2560 with Arduino boot loader and a Raspberry Pi. Further his big Bajduino has an I2C logic level converter on board so any extra electronics was not required for connection. As the Raspberry Pi’s GPIO pins are 3.3V and ATmega runs at 5V so he connected Bajduino Mega 3A board to the Raspberry Pi and then tested the Raspberry Pi I2C to Arduino connection
After he finished modification of the code which he found on letsmakerobots, he worked on small webserver which serves a webpage with 4 buttons. By pressing any of the installed buttons, the python code sends a command over I2C to the ATmega. He controlled 4 led connected to the ATmega by pressing those buttons. Since the webserver runs on port 888, he tried to run on the default webserver port 80 but couldn’t get it to work. It also has to run as root, else it is not possible to access the I2C pins. Well, this is a security issue, not something you want to try running on the internet.
The project is yet not finished as this code to control service droid robot are not working. He also tried using Apache with CGI to run python code. But this one is tough to crack and coding is also tedious. To control the robot over Wi-Fi with my Raspberry Pi is yet to be established and for videos and links, you can visit his site and also give a try to accomplish the task.
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