This is a very useful application of RFID (Radio-frequency identification) and is very commonly used in institutes, offices, homes and so on. An RFID system consists of a reader device and a transponder. A transponder or tag has a unique serial number which is identified by the reader. Here RFID has been interfaced with AT89C51 to provide secured access. The relevant messages are also displayed on a 16x2 LCD. The free source code for the program is available in C.
Low frequency RFID works on the principle of radio waves and at the frequency of 125 KHz. There is a coil inside the RFID tag and when it is influenced by magnetic field, it sends an identity code to a device for further processing. (For more details, refer interfacing RFID with AT89C51).
The RFID tag is used as an identity for a particular user. If the identity (serial number of the tag) of the user is matched with the one already stored in this system, he gets immediate access through it. This RFID based secured access system also has many additional features. For example, a new user can register himself with the system. A registered user can also withdraw his entry from the system. These features can be accessed by pressing a tactile switch connected to the microcontroller.
In beginning, the user is prompted to scan his tag or ID. The serial code of the tag is identified by the reader module and is sent to AT89C51 for checking. If the ID is matched by the microcontroller, the user gets the access. On the contrary, if the tag is not identified, a message (‘Wrong ID’) is displayed on LCD screen.
A new user needs to press the switch to register after which his identity is verified twice with RFID tag. The new record is stored by the microcontroller to grant future access. The system also shows ‘Error’ if the tags do not match during verification. An existing user can delete his record by pressing the same switch. Again the verification is carried out and the user is deleted if the IDs match. If a different tag is scanned through the reader, LCD displays ‘you have shown different ID’.
When an RFID tag comes in this range, the reader detects it and sends a unique code of the tag serially. This serial code, consisting of 12 bytes, is received by the microcontroller. This code is treated as an ID for the user and is stored as an array in the microcontroller. If the ID is matched with this code, the user is granted access though the system. For more details on working and connections of the circuit, refer RFID interfacing through serial interrupt.
Project Source Code
//Program for RFID based Secured access system using 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51) #include<reg51.h> sfr lcd_data_pin=0xA0; //P2 port sbit rs=P1^0; sbit rw=P1^1; sbit en=P1^2; sbit new_user=P1^3; unsigned char card_id[12],index=0,key1=0,flag0=0,flag1=0,flag2=0,flag3=0; unsigned char card_mem[6][12]; //={/*'2','6','0','0','9','3','6','C','B','2','6','B',*/'2','6','0','0','9','1','1','D','D','B','7','1','2','6','0','0','9','3','6','F','7','2','A','8','0','F','0','0','2','D','D','7','D','0','2','5'}; unsigned char current_byte = 0; void display(); void memory(); void delay(unsigned int count) //Function to provide time delay { int i,j; for(i=0;i<count;i++) for(j=0;j<1275;j++); } void lcd_command(unsigned char comm) //Lcd command funtion { lcd_data_pin=comm; en=1; rs=0; rw=0; delay(1); en=0; } void lcd_data(unsigned char disp) //Lcd data function { lcd_data_pin=disp; en=1; rs=1; rw=0; delay(1); en=0; } lcd_string(unsigned char *disp) //Lcd string function { int x; for(x=0;disp[x]!=0;x++) { lcd_data(disp[x]); } } void lcd_ini() //Function to initialize the LCD { lcd_command(0x38); delay(5); lcd_command(0x0F); delay(5); lcd_command(0x80); delay(5); } void display() // Function to display the unique ID { unsigned char count,i,key,flag=0,val; lcd_command(0x01); lcd_command(0x80); //Place cursor to second position of second line val=index; for(i=0;i<index;i++) { key=0; for(count=0;count<12;count++) { if(card_id[count]==card_mem[i][count]) { key++; } } if(key==12) { flag=1; lcd_command(0x80); lcd_string("Access granted"); lcd_command(0xC4); lcd_string("USER "); lcd_command(0xC9); lcd_data(49+i); delay(100); break; } } if(flag==0) { lcd_command(0x84); lcd_string("Wrong ID"); delay(200); } lcd_command(0x01); lcd_command(0x80); lcd_string("Pls scan your ID"); current_byte=0; } void recieve() interrupt 4 //Function to recieve data serialy from RS232 { card_id[current_byte]=SBUF; RI=0; // Reset the serial interrupt after recieving the byte current_byte++; } void memory() { unsigned char i,key=0,count,try=0,head=0,select=0,mod=0,size; unsigned int in,j; lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("scan your ID"); current_byte=0; while(current_byte!=12); current_byte=0; for(i=0;i<6;i++) { key=0; for(count=0;count<12;count++) { if(card_id[count]==card_mem[i][count]) { key++; } } if(key==12) { size=i; lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("Like to delete"); lcd_command(0xC0); lcd_string("If yes scan ID"); for(in=0;in<500;in++) { for(j=0;j<1275;j++) { if(current_byte==12) { break; } } if(current_byte==12) { break; } } if(current_byte==12) { for(in=0;in<12;in++) { if(card_id[in]==card_mem[size][in]) { mod++; } } if(mod==12) { for(in=0;in<12;in++) { card_mem[size][in]=5; } lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("congratulation!"); lcd_command(0xC0); lcd_string("You are deleted"); delay(200); lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("Pls scan your ID"); key=0; try=1; break; } if(mod!=12) { lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("You have shown"); lcd_command(0xC0); lcd_string("different ID"); delay(200); lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("Pls scan your ID"); key=0; try=1; break; } } if(current_byte!=12) { lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("Sorry ! You are"); lcd_command(0xC0); lcd_string("already an user"); delay(200); lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("Pls scan your ID"); key=0; try=1; break; } } } current_byte=0; if(key<12 && try==0) { key=0; for(i=0;i<12;i++) { card_mem[index][i]=card_id[i]; } current_byte=0; lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("Pls scan again"); while(current_byte!=12); for(i=0;i<12;i++) { if(card_mem[index][i]==card_id[i]) { key++; } } current_byte=0; if(key==12) { lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("Pls varify again "); while(current_byte!=12); key=0; for(i=0;i<12;i++) { if(card_mem[index][i]==card_id[i]) { key++; } } current_byte=0; } else { lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("ERROR"); delay(200); for(i=0;i<12;i++) { card_mem[index][i]=0; } lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("Pls scan your ID"); } if(key==12) { lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("Congratulation !"); lcd_command(0xC0); lcd_string("You are User"); lcd_command(0xCC); lcd_data(index+49); delay(250); lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("Pls scan your ID"); } else { lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("ERROR"); delay(200); for(i=0;i<12;i++) { card_mem[index][i]=0; } lcd_command(0x01); lcd_string("Pls scan your ID"); } if(key==12) index++; } } void main() { new_user=1; TMOD=0x20; //Enable Timer 1 TH1=0XFD; SCON=0x50; TR1=1; IE=0x94; new_user=0; // Trigger Timer 1 lcd_ini(); lcd_command(0x80); //Place cursor to second position of first line lcd_string("Pls scan your ID"); delay(200); while(1) { if(new_user==1) { memory(); } if(current_byte==12) { display(); } } }
Circuit Diagrams
Project Components
Project Video
Filed Under: 8051 Microcontroller
Filed Under: 8051 Microcontroller
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