You order your personalized cocktail from your smart phone app while sitting in a busy bar and a drink dispenser measures out the beverage according to your instructions. Further, a Kuka robotic arm give it a shake and another garnishes it with a slice of lemon and finally your order is delivered to your waiting hand via a slick little ten-lane conveyor belt.
This ‘mixology system’ that tracks your order from beginning to end and there is a large display behind the bar showing you the number of drinks ahead of yours in the queue, the current wait time, and also let you know when your drink is ready to be picked up. It also suggest you about the drink which is popular tonight among the crowd, and influence your drinking trends in real time by incorporating your suggested tweaks on popular recipes.
It is going to be a real time bar in San Francisco and will be called as “Makr Shakr”, a bar for the ‘sense-able city’ of tomorrow. Makr Shakr is one of MIT’s SENSEable City Lab projects, where sensor technologies is studied and anticipated that how it can inform and transform our built environments.
The idea is about exploring the dynamics of consumption and social networks in the context of sensor and digital fabrication technologies not to deliberately replace bartenders with robots, or even about drinking. Presently, the SENSEable City Lab is equipped with many social and sensor networking projects at various stages of development
According to project leader Yaniv Turgeman, Makr Shakr was conceived as part of research project and has considered it as a research platform aiming at the third industrial revolution, where anyone can design, produce and influence culture. According to him, drinking is a social and relatively discrete activity and it is a part of every social activity. It’s an ideal context for studying how people interact with digitally-mediated social networks.
The theme, Digital fabrication, is important at the SENSEable City Lab, which is used to regularly partner with different industry to contextualize researchers where they can conduct real-world experiments. The big idea of Turgeman’s project is to study how cultural memes are created and promoted.
Generally, in social gatherings, it is hard to keep record about no of drinks taken and the ideology of no of drinks becomes meaningless later. The Makr Shakr phone app displays the level of blood alcohol in a chart and inform you using three simple icons to tell whether you are safe “to drive, to walk or to talk”. Although it can’t demand to turn over your car keys and order a taxi if you’re over the legal limit. The system calculates blood alcohol levels in blood based on weight and height information you provide after installing the app on your phone and also the number of drinks that the system has served you. Hence, the system promotes responsible drinking by allowing people to self-monitor their alcohol consumption.
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