Keil is a German based Software development company. It provides several development tools like
• IDE (Integrated Development environment)
• Project Manager
• Simulator
• Debugger
• C Cross Compiler , Cross Assembler, Locator/Linker
Keil Software provides you with software development tools for the 8051 family of microcontrollers. With these tools, you can generate embedded applications for the multitude of 8051 derivatives. Keil provides following tools for 8051 development
1. C51 Optimizing C Cross Compiler,
2. A51 Macro Assembler,
3. 8051 Utilities (linker, object file converter, library manager),
4. Source-Level Debugger/Simulator,
5. µVision for Windows Integrated Development Environment.
Let’s see some simple Keil Based Programs
Generate a square wave
Example-1: generate a square wave of 10 Hz at pin P1.0 of 8051 using timer
#include <reg51.h> // include 8051 register file
sbit pin = P1^0; // decleare a variable type sbit for P1.0
P1 = 0x00; // clear port
TMOD = 0x09; // initialize timer 0 as 16 bit timer
loop:TL0 = 0xAF; // load valur 15535 = 3CAFh so after
TH0 = 0x3C; // 50000 counts timer 0 will be overflow
pin = 1; // send high logic to P1.0
TR0 = 1; // start timer
while(TF0 == 0) {} // wait for first overflow for 50 ms
TL0 = 0xAF; // again reload count
TH0 = 0x3C;
pin = 0; // now send 0 to P1.0
while(TF0 == 0) {} // wait for 50 ms again
goto loop; // continue with the loop
Make 8 to 1 multiplexer with enable signal
Example-2: write a program to make 8 to 1 multiplexer with enable signal
sbit D0 = P0^0; // set P0.0-P0.7 (D0-D7) as input pins of mux
sbit D1 = P0^1;
sbit D2 = P0^2;
sbit D3 = P0^3;
sbit D4 = P0^4;
sbit D5 = P0^5;
sbit D6 = P0^6;
sbit D7 = P0^7;
sbit S0 = P1^0; // set P1.0-P1.2(S0-S2) as select pins of mux
sbit S1 = P1^1;
sbit S2 = P1^2;
sbit EN = P1^7; // set P1.7 as enable pin
sbit pin = P3^5; // set P3.5 as output
P3=0x00;P0=0xFF; // clear op and set all ips
TMOD = 0x01; // set timer 0 for 16 bit timer
next:TL0 = 0xAF; // load count
TH0 = 0x3C;
while(EN==1){} // wait till enable pin becomes 0
if((S0==0)&&(S1==0)&&(S2==0)) pin = D0; // if select inputs are 000 op is first ip
else if((S0==1)&&(S1==0)&&(S2==0)) pin = D1; // if select inputs are 001 op is second ip
else if((S0==0)&&(S1==1)&&(S2==0)) pin = D2; // same as above
else if((S0==1)&&(S1==1)&&(S2==0)) pin = D3;
else if((S0==0)&&(S1==0)&&(S2==1)) pin = D4;
else if((S0==1)&&(S1==0)&&(S2==1)) pin = D5;
else if((S0==0)&&(S1==1)&&(S2==1)) pin = D6;
else if((S0==1)&&(S1==1)&&(S2==1)) pin = D7;
else pin = 0; // by default op is cleared
TR0 = 1; // start timer 0
while(TF0==0){} // wait until overflow means 50ms
TR0 = 0; // stop timer
goto next; // go for next input
Parallel Input to Serial Output
Example-3: take parallel input from port P1 convert it into serial and send it via P0.0
sbit sout = P0^0; // serial out on P0.0
sbit D0 = P1^0; // parallal input from P1 (D0-D7)
sbit D1 = P1^1;
sbit D2 = P1^2;
sbit D3 = P1^3;
sbit D4 = P1^4;
sbit D5 = P1^5;
sbit D6 = P1^6;
sbit D7 = P1^7;
int i;
void delay(void); // 1 ms delay
for(i=0;i<8;i++) // rotate loop for 8 times
sout = D0; // first bit out
D0 = D1; // shift all bits in sequence
D1 = D2;
D2 = D3;
D3 = D4;
D4 = D5;
D5 = D6;
D6 = D7;
delay(); // generate 1 ms delay after each bit shifted
void delay()
int k
Simultaneous Transmission & Reception of Data
Example-4: write a program to simultaneously transmit and receive data.
#include <reg51.h>
TMOD=0x20; // set timer1 in 16 bit timer mode
SCON=0x40; // initialize serial communication
TL1=0xFD; // load timer 1 to generate baud rate of 96KBps
TH1 = 0xFD;
TR1 = 1; // start timer 1
loop:REN = 1; // enable reception
while(RI==0){} // wait until data is received
RI=0; // clear receive flag
ACC = SBUF; // get data in to acc
REN = 0; // now disable reception
SBUF = ACC; // start transmission
while(TI==0){} // wait until data transmitted
TI=0; // clear transmission flag
goto loop; // continue this cycle
Interrupt Detection and Display on LED
Example-5: detect an external interrupt on P3.2 and P3.3. Indicate on LEDs connected on P0.0 & P0.1
sbit op1=P0^0; // LED1 as output on P0.0
sbit op2=P0^1; // LED2 as ouput on P0.1
void delay(void); // 10 ms delay
void intrupt0(void) interrupt 0 // ext interrupt 0 vector
op1=0; // indication on LED1
void intrupt1(void) interrupt 2 // ext interrupt 1 vector
op2=0; // indication on LED2
void delay() // delay for 10 ms
int x;
void main()
P0=0xFF; // send all 1’s to P0
IE=0x85; // enable both ext interrupts
while(1); // continuous loop
Blink LED for 5 seconds
Example-6: blink a LED on P2.0 for 5 second using timer 1
int c=0; // initialize counter to 0
sbit LED= P2^0; // LED connected to P2.0
void timer1(void) interrupt 3 // timer 1 overflow vactor
TF1=0; // clear overflow flag
c++; // increment counter
if(c==100) // if 100 counts of 50 ms(= 5 sec) are over
TR1=0; // stop timer
LED=0; // LED off
TH1=0x3C; // other reaload timer 1 with
TL1=0xAF; // 15535 to count 50 ms
void main()
P2=0x00; // clear op
TMOD=0x90; // set timer 1
TH1=0x3C; // load count 15535
IE=0x88; // enable timer 1 interrupt
LED=1; // LED on
TR1=1; // timer 1 start
while(1); // continuous loop
Example 7: send ultrasonic wave through P1.0 and receive its echo through P3.2. generate an interrupt. Calculate the distance of object.
#include <reg51.h>
sbit tx = P1^0; // transmitter pin
int c=0,d=0; // counter and distance
void tmr0(void) interrupt 1 // timer 0 interrupt vector
TF0=0; // clear timer flag
c++; // increment counter
TL0 = 0xAF; // reload values
TH0 = 0x3C;
void int0(void) interrupt 0 // ext interrupt 0 vector
TR0 = 0; // stop timer
d = c*30; // get distance = time*velocity
IE=0x83; // enable interrupts
IP=0x01; // high priority for ext interrupt
TMOD = 0x01; // timer 0 as 16 bit timer
P1 = 0x00; // clear op port
TL0 = 0xAF; // load values for 50 ms
TH0 = 0x3C;
tx = 1; // enable transmission
TR0 = 1; // start timer
Counting Number of 1s in input
Example 8: take input from P0. Count no of 1 in input
#include <reg51.h>
sbit D0 = B^0; // define D0-D7 as bits of reg B
sbit D1 = B^1;
sbit D2 = B^2;
sbit D3 = B^3;
sbit D4 = B^4;
sbit D5 = B^5;
sbit D6 = B^6;
sbit D7 = B^7;
unsigned bdata reg; // define reg as bit addressable variable
sbit b = reg^0; // define b as bit 0 of reg
void main()
unsigned int i,c=0; // initialize counter
B=P0; // take input from P0 to B
for(i=0;i<8;i++) // rotate bits of reg B
{ // 8 times
if(b==1)c++; // check every bit if 1
while(1); // loop continue
Count number of Keypress
Example 9: connect key with P3.2. Using interrupt count no of key press and display it on common anode seven segment display connected to P0.
unsigned int c=0,x=0; //initialize key counter and key flag
void extint0(void) interrupt 0
x=1; // set key flag
c++; // increment key count
if(c==9) // if its 9
c=0; // reset it to 0 and
P0=0xC0; // display 0
void main(void)
IE=0x81; // enable ext int 0
P0=0xC0; // display 0
loop:while(!x); // check key flag
switch(c) // if it is set get the count
case 1:
P0=0xF9; // display digit from 1 to 9
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
x=0; // clear key flag
goto loop; // loop continue
Detecting & Showing Number of Keypressess
Example 10: connect 8 keys with P1. Detect key press and display number on CA 7 segment display connected to P0.
void main(void)
loop:P1=0xFF; // send all 1’s to P1
while(P1==0xFF); // remain within loop till key is not pressed
switch(P1) // when key pressed detect is
case 0xFE:
P0=0xF9; // and display digit from 1 to 8
case 0xFD:
case 0xFB:
case 0xF7:
case 0xEF:
case 0xDF:
case 0xBF:
case 0x7F:
goto loop;
Filed Under: Tutorials
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