The new low-profile, right-angle option, designated as -RA-SM within the GPPC Series part number scheme, can be used in belly-to-belly applications for maximized board real estate and increased density. It operates up to 50 GHz per channel with 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 channels available. The SMPM interface allows for integration with cable assemblies using smaller diameter materials, resulting in weight savings and increased system airflow. When connecting two PCBs, the SMPM interface provides benefits such as blind-mating capability, misalignment compensation, axial gap elimination, high mating cycles, and variable retention force options.
Standard Magnum RF products feature a single-row design with a 3.56 mm (.140″) channel pitch and operate from DC to 65 GHz. Custom channel pitch, counts, and multi-row designs are available. Samtec offers various precision RF products for microwave and millimeter wave applications from 18 GHz to 110 GHz, supporting advancements in wireless communication, automotive, radar, SATCOM, aerospace, defense, and test and measurement. The company also provides customization options for products.
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Filed Under: 5G, Aerospace, Automotive, Defense/Aviation, Power Management, Products, Telecommunications, Test and Measurement, Wireless
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