Bookmarking is the term used to save the websites on the browser with a purpose to remember that site for future use. The use of internet is lifting up since last two decades and there are a lot of new services came and got popularity. To bookmark the websites online and access them from anywhere, a new term got the popularity known as online bookmarking or social bookmarking. It is the facility to bookmark websites and web pages online where users can access their bookmarked web pages from anywhere. About 13 years back there were few websites came in the picture that facilitates users to create an account and then save their web pages. And currently there are thousands of such websites that providing the online bookmarking facility. This service is quite helpful for the travelers, students and for the people that usually access multiple PCs. Besides these, webmasters also use this facility to increase the popularity of their own websites by bookmarking and sharing on these social bookmarking sites. These three are among oldest and popular social bookmarking sites:
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