1. Arduino with Atmega328p
2. Accelerometer ADXL335
3. Ubuntu 14.04 and Python 2.7 on your machine
4. Python libraries Pyserial, subprocess and sys
5. Wmctrl installed on your ubuntu, use ”sudo apt-get install wmctrl”
Fig. 1: Typical Image of Arduino UNO
How I am uploading code into arduino:
f = <source_code’s_file_name>
avr-gcc -g -mmcu=atmega328p -Wall -Os $(f).c -o $(f).elf
avr-objcopy -j .text -j .data -O ihex $(f).elf $(f).hex
sudo avrdude -F -V -c arduino -p m328p -P /dev/ttyUSB* -b 57600 -e -U flash:w:$(f).hex
Just type these four commands, in the same order, in your terminal and remember to put the source code’s filename in variable “f”. These commands are for Linux users only.
First command stores the filename in variable “f”, second command is used to convert source code to .elf file, third command is used to convert that .elf file to .hex file which can be uploaded on atmega328p, and fourth command is used to upload that .hex file.
Little bit about accelerometer being used
For more details and knowledge you can always look up adxl335 datasheet.
Explanation of Source Code
This program is an application of ADC and serial communication. Before proceeding with this article you can read about ADC here.
I have made a few changes in setup_adc() function and ISR() block.
In setup_adc() function I set the MUX1 bit in ADMUX register in order to start the conversion of value at PORTC2.
In ISR() block, I first store 10-bit value from ADC in a variable. Then check four bits in ADMUX, starting from LSB, depending on these four bits I decide whether 10-bit value is for x,y,z axis.
Then I set last four bits in ADMUX for next conversion.
After that a workspace() function is called.
It takes no argument but uses two globally defined variables viz. xRaw and yRaw.
As I’m using four workspaces, so the values of xRaw and yRaw will decide whether to swap to workspace1, workspace2, workspace3 or workspace4
For detailed information please check the Source Code it’s very well documented.
Explanation of Python Script
I’m using three libraries namely Pyserial, subprocess and sys whereby Pyserial is the one that is not preinstalled with python2.7. However, it’s freely available and very easy to install.
First I create an object “ser” of “Serial” class and give two arguments in it
a. Serial Port: In my case it is ‘/dev/ttyUSB0’
b. Baud rate: I my case it’s 9600
Then I create a try and except block to check whether wmctrl is installed on the machine or not. If not it will display the warning and exit the program.
Then in an infinite loop I put a try & except block because initially trash values are sent from atmega328p.
In try block I read data that is being sent over serial port then break it and convert it to integer and store it in a list. Then save the command in a variable(bashCommand) accordingly followed by its execution.
Then command which is stored in that variable(bashCommand) is executed.
Then I print these values on terminal for debugging purposes.
For detailed information please check the well documented Python Script.
Explanation of Circuit
As can be seen in images, my accelerometer module doesn’t have a header pin for ST, and all other i/o pins are in straight line. So instead of using a breadboard for connections I simply place accelerometer on Analog pins of Arduino which maps to PORTC on atmega328p.
For Vcc and GND I declare PORTC1 and PORTC5 as output and pull down PORTC1 for GND, pull up PORTC5 for Vcc.
Now I can simply measure acceleration from x,y,z axis on PORTC2,3,4 respectively.
Getting started with this Project:
There are three files:
1. main.c contains the source code for atmega328p side of this application.
2. uartLibrary.h contains definition of all the functions necessary for serial communication
3. it reads data from serial port and controls the mouse pointer
Place main.c and uartLibrary.h in the same directory, and upload the code to atmega328p.
Project Source Code
#define F_CPU 16000000UL#include "uartLibrary.h"#include#include#include#includeint xRaw=0,yRaw=0,zRaw=0;void setup_adc();int main(void){uart_init();stdout = &uart_output;stdin = &uart_input;DDRC = 0x22; //Set Pin5 and Pin7 on arduino as outputPORTC |= 1< sei(); //Enales global interruptsetup_adc(); //Setup ADC according to the defined functionwhile(1){}}void setup_adc(){ADCSRA |= 1< ADCSRA |= 1< ADCSRA |= 1< ADMUX |= 1< //ADLAR=1 for left adjusted result and REFS0=1 with REFS1=0 to use Vcc as reference voltage//MUX1=1 because we want to start conversion from PORTC1DIDR0 |= 1< }// Used in choosing workspace according to the accelerometer valueint workspace(){if (xRaw>290 && yRaw>280){return 1;}if (xRaw>290 && yRaw<280){return 2;}if (xRaw<290 && yRaw>320){return 3;}if (xRaw<290 && yRaw<320){return 4;}else{return 0;}}/*********** varun13169 **************/ISR(ADC_vect){uint8_t adcl = ADCL; //This is an 8-bit varible used to store the value of ADLCuint16_t adc_ten_bit_value = ADCH<<2 | adcl>>6; //This is an 16-bit varible use to store the 10-bit value of left adjusted resultint value_of_mux0= ADMUX & 0x0F; // Retains last four bits of ADMUX,starting fom LSB,// used in workspaceping ADC converted values to xRaw,yRaw,zRaw respectively/************ For PORTC2 *************/if(value_of_mux0==0x02){xRaw=adc_ten_bit_value;ADMUX &= 0xF0; // Clears last four bits in ADMUXADMUX |= 0x03; // Put the next four bit accrding to the next conversion}/*************************************//************ For PORTC3 *************/if(value_of_mux0==0x03){yRaw=adc_ten_bit_value;ADMUX &= 0xF0; // Clears last four bits in ADMUXADMUX |= 0x02; // Put the next four bit accrding to the next conversion}/*************************************/// This is for z-axis, as Z-out pin is connected to PORTC4,// I don't require Z-out but one can easily get it by// making some small changes/*if(value_of_mux0==0x04){zRaw=adc_ten_bit_value;ADMUX &= 0xF0;ADMUX |= 0x02;}*/ADCSRA |= 1< printf("%d %d %dn", xRaw,yRaw, workspace()); // Send these to my Laptop}/*********************************************************** END *******************************************************************/// python_serial.pyimport serial # , Version: 2.7import subprocessimport sysser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyUSB0',9600) # This is for Linuxfor Windows select the respective COM port try:bashCommand = "wmctrl -d"process = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)output = process.communicate()[0]print outputexcept:print '''The program 'wmctrl' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:sudo apt-get install wmctrl'''sys.exit()while(1):try:readingFromArduino = map(int,ser.readline().split())if readingFromArduino[2]==1:bashCommand= 'wmctrl -o 0,0'if readingFromArduino[2]==2:bashCommand= 'wmctrl -o 1366,0'if readingFromArduino[2]==3:bashCommand= 'wmctrl -o 0,768'if readingFromArduino[2]==4:bashCommand= 'wmctrl -o 1366,768'else:Noneprint readingFromArduinoprocess = subprocess.Popen(bashCommand.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)output = process.communicate()[0]except:#print 'Check Some error is there ......'None############################################################# END ###########################################################//uartLibrary.h#define F_CPU 16000000UL#define BAUD 9600#define BRC ((F_CPU/16/BAUD)-1)#include#include#includevoid uart_init(){UBRR0H = (BRC>>8); //Putting Upper 4 bits of BRC in lower 4 bits of UBRR0HUBRR0L = BRC; //Putting Lowwer 8 bits of BRC in UBRR0LUCSR0B = 1 << TXEN0 | 1 << TXCIE0 | 1 << RXEN0 | 1 << RXCIE0; //Enables TX, TX complete Interupt Enable, Enable RX, RX complete Interupt EnableUCSR0C = _BV(UCSZ01) | _BV(UCSZ00); //8-bit data size}void uart_putchar(char c, FILE *stream){if (c == 'n'){uart_putchar('r', stream);}loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSR0A, UDRE0); // Wait until data register empty.UDR0 = c;}char uart_getchar(FILE *stream){loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSR0A, RXC0);return UDR0;}FILE uart_output = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(uart_putchar, NULL, _FDEV_SETUP_WRITE);FILE uart_input = FDEV_SETUP_STREAM(NULL, uart_getchar, _FDEV_SETUP_READ);// end //###
Circuit Diagrams
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