In almost all the manufacturing industries where ever there is complete assembly line automation like bottling plant, chemical industries, food processing and packaging industries a conveyor belt is ultimate and widely used option. The entire process is carried on single (or multiple) conveyor belt(s). From start to end the items are moving on belt and the processes are done in between, while they are moving.Just take an example of any bottling plant then in this case the bottles are moving on belt one by one and at one place they are filled, at another place they are sealed, then labeling and finely packaging in a bunch on 10, 20 or 50 likewise. This whole process runs on single conveyor belt.So here I is a such conveyor belt application which utilizesmultisim 10.0 software to explain this application. In this example at a time only one box moves on belt it is filled with items at the middle of belt and then it moves forward. When it passes through belt another box is available for filling. So actually its very simple application and it illustrate the demo of actual conveyor belt.