This system for security uses the combination of LASER light and LDR. The LDR module has an onboard potentiometer to adjust the sensitivity of LDR, so that it only senses laser light falling onto it.The concept is quite simple and similar to what we see in movies where antique, priceless ornaments are protected under laser lights.As someone crosses these lights, an alarm runs on to indicate unauthorised presence. This project works similarly.In normal conditions, where there is always laser light falling on the LDR, the LDR module always gives a high signal to microcontroller
AC Motor Speed Control using RF Remote
Controlling speed of AC motor is required in industries as well as in domestic use. In industries the required motion control is achieved by controlling speed of big and heavy AC motors. They use variable frequency drives (VFD) for speed control. In some other applications like fan, blowers, heaters etc another method for speed control is used that is phase angle control. By varying phase angle, the current supplied to motor can be varied. And by varying supplied current the speed of motor can be varied.In domestic application the phase angle control method is used. The best example is fan regulator. In domestic fan regulator DIAC and TRIAC are used to vary phase angle of fan motor. This is very easiest method to vary AC motor speed.
Industrial Laser cutting machine
Laser is used to cut different metal sheets, glass, diamond and all other very hard things as this becomes very easy to cut using laser rather than using different blades. It’s one kind of CNC machine in which two stepper motors displaces the laser to calibrated distance. As one enters the dimension of plate (L X B) the…
Load Positioning System
Sometimes it is needed that the object should remain inline or in contact with other moving object. For example in satellite tracking system the dish antenna should always point to moving satellite to receive maximum signal. a slight deviation may also reduce the signal strength. In gun barrel position system for military tank or anti-aircraft gun once the target is…
Industrial Temperature Controller
In most of the manufacturing industries like chemical, petrochemical, food processing, pharmaceutical etc temperature is one of the main parameter to be control. Because in these kind of industries some product need the required temperature to be maintained at highest priority otherwise the product will fail (in case of preparing any medicine in pharmaceutical company the…
DTMF Based Programmable FM Remote with 89C51
This is the ultimate industrial remote control with 16 different channels and a very high range of more than 1 Km. Let us see the main features of this remote control system: Single chip DTMF based FM transmitter with 16 different channels. Programmable, multi functional, DTMF based FM receiver because of 89C51. Perfectly suits with…
Multichannel IR Remote using 89C51
It’s multi channel IR remote control so you can perform not just single but so many functions with this remote control. Micro-controller 89C51 is used in receiver part so its programmable remote control. You can program it to perform specific task or for specific application. Some applications that I have developed are “Remote control for home appliances”,…
IR Remote Control for Home Appliances
This is first and most popular application of multichannel IR remote control where microcontroller 89C51 is used to switch ON/OFF four different home appliances (like tubelight, bulb, night lamp etc.). One can connect any device which has ON/OFF operation and which works on available domestic supply. The figure in circuit diagram tab1 shows circuit diagram of…
Remote Unipolar Stepper Motor Controller with 89C51
This is the third and most amazing application of multichannel IR remote where 4 different channels of remote are utilized to control all the parameters of unipolar stepper motor. All three parameters of stepper motor RPM, direction & no. of revolutions can be changed from remote. 89C51 takes care of all the controlling actions. If you have…
Wireless DC Motor controller
In this project computer controls DC motor wirelessly through it’s LPT port. Computer generates signals that are transmitter by transmitter. These signals are received by DC motor controlling unit and it controls the operation of DC motor. 89C51 is used at receiver side which detects the signal and controls the operation of motor. IR interface…
IR Remote Control System
This one is the best IR remote control because it nullifies all the drawbacks of all above remotes. Micro-controller is used on both the sides so transmitter as well as receiver both is programmable. Maximum 64 different functions can be utilized with this IRRCS. Some of the applications that I have implemented using this IRRCS…
DC Motor Controller
DC Motors are widely used for motion control in manufacturing industries. Motion of DC motor is controlled using DC Drive. DC drive changes the speed and direction of a motor. Many of the DC drives provides programmable facilities means to program the motion of motor. So here I am giving one such example where one can…
89C51 Microcontroller based Pick n Place Robot
This is the same mechanical structure used in previous project but now it is interfaced with micro-controller 89C51. All the motions of robot will be controlled by 89C51. Full 360 degree rotation in horizontal plane and 90 degree movement in vertical plane is achieved. Once all the parameters are set operation is fully automatic. Means…
How to interface LCD with 89C51
This is special section of web-site. In this section we will learn how we can display a character or a message on LCD display. You can choose any standard LCD available in market. I have experimented with 20×2 LCD. It means LCD has 2 lines of 20 characters each. Many other LCDs like 16×2, 24×2, 32×2,…