The project aims at controlling a wheelchair by means of human voice. It enables a disabled person to move around independently, using a voice recognition application which is interfaced with motors.The prototype of the wheelchair is built using a micro-controller, chosen for its low cost, in addition to its versatility and performance in mathematical operations and communication with other electronic devices. The system has been designed and implemented in a cost effective way so that if our project is commercialized the needy users in developing countries will benefit from it.
Frequency and Pulse Width Measurement using microcontroller
The circuit designers and developers needs different measuring equipments like digital multimeter, CRO, DSO, frequency counter, logic analyser etc for testing their circuits. When they are designing any oscillator or PWM generator or they have generated any waveform, there is a need to measure either frequency or time period. Especially in case of PWM generator…
Cell Phone based Device Control with Voice Acknowledgement
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The utilization of electrical power progressively increases in now-a-days. The demand for the electrical power is also increases over the entire world, particularly in India the demand for electrical power increases more and more because of the increase in population. The people utilize the power higher than their requirements because of their sophisticated…