This application demonstrates a prototype attendance system using RFID and a software developed in C# .Net framework. The software interacts with the RFID reader through the serial port. The software has very limited functionalities. However it can be extended to a complex commercial application. The aim of this project is to show how RFID…
Attendance System using AVR and RFID
This project aims to automate the process of talking attendance on pen and paper and prevent any fraudulent entry. It uses RFID tags to record attendance. Each student is assigned a unique tag, which he/she is required to swipe over the reader to give his/her attendance. This system benefits both the teacher and student as its quick and hassle free. This setup can be used in any educational institution regardless of whichever board they follow. Data is stored in a CSV file which keeps track of each day’s attendance. The main component of the system is the RFID reader which transmits a 12-byte ASCII string via the TTL-level SOUT pin. This helps to identify a student from the rest, as each TAG generates a unique ASCII string. This String is then fed to the AVR’s RX line which processes it for marking his/her attendance.