The circuit is built around two IC namely CD4060 and UM66 with few more components. IC CD4060 is 14 stage ripple carry binary counter, divider and an oscillator. Its built in oscillator is main feature of this IC that’s why it can be used in numerous application like flasher, clock generator in timer circuits. UM66…
CD 4060 Based Security Alarm
In current times, it is necessary to have some security at home. To avoid acts of vandalism and thefts, we need instant responsive security alarms that are active [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]all the time. This circuit is very helpful at this situation. We have a smart security alarm which can be used in home, in your locker or in cash box guard that thwarts the theft attempt by activating an emergency alarm.The circuit is built around the CD4060 and few more components. IC CD4060 is 14 stage ripple carry binary counter, divider and an oscillator. Its built in oscillator is main feature of this IC that’s why it can be used in numerous application like flasher, clock generator in timer circuits.Read more to find out working of the circuit with the help of circuit diagram, description and detailed information about the components used.
CD 4060IC based Message Display Circuit
This simple message display can be used to display any message such as warnings, wishes, address notifications etc. as it will automatically turn ON at night or in [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]dark. This circuit is based on CD4060 IC, LDR and few more components so that we can be easily made and can be gifted to friends. Here total of 12 bright LED glow inside the four segments (I through IV as shown in fig below) of the message plate to display different message. We can use bright white LED’s or different color LED’s to indicate different words. In this circuit, different segments glow for different duration of time. IC CD4060 is 14 stage ripple carry binary counter, divider and an oscillator. Its built in oscillator is main feature of this IC, so it can be used in numerous applications like flasher, clock generator in timer circuits. The resistance of LDR is very high in darkness, which reduces to minimum when LDR is in light.
Timer Circuit using IC CD 4060
Several times we forget to switch off the gas, electric oven, stove or motor while watching TV or taking on the phone or while talking to a friend in your [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]neighborhood. To solve this problem we have described a circuit below which gives an alarm after the preset time interval selected by you. In this you can select 7 different time intervals with the help of a rotary switch. Therefore after a preset interval of time it will give a loud alarm and reminds you that you have to off your machine or gas.The timer circuit is built around the CD4060 which is 14 stage ripple carry binary counter, divider and an oscillator. Its built in oscillator is main feature of this IC that’s why it can be used in numerous application like flasher, clock generator in timer circuits.
Electronic Timer Circuit
Nowadays students are required to answer a set of question in a given time of 15 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour. Hence the circuit describe below can be used [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]by the student as a clock while they are preparing for the competitive exams.It will give them audio visual sound after the pre set time interval. In our circuit it is 15 minutes hence it will give an alarm after every 15 minutes. The timer could be programmed for other periods as well. By calibrating the variable resistor by some hit and trial method, you can vary the time period. We have also provided a reset switch so that you can reset it when you are required to start it again. The circuit is built around CD4060 and few more components. IC CD4060 is 14 stage ripple carry binary counter, divider and an oscillator.
Multi Color Lighting
The multi color lighting circuit describe below can be used to decorate your house or your temple with light of different colors and this will not use electricity [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]but solar energy. We can use solar charger in the range of 9V – 12V. The circuit is built around the CD4060 and few more components. IC CD4060 is 14 stage ripple carry binary counter, divider and an oscillator. Its built in oscillator is main feature of this IC that’s why it can be used in numerous application like flasher, clock generator in timer circuits. Power supply for the circuit is provided with solar charger as shown in circuit diagram. This solar energy is converted into electrical energy and store in the battery connected to it. During day time you can charge the battery through solar charger. You can also 9V battery instead of solar charger.