The circuit presented here rotates stepper motor and varies its RPM (speed). It does not use any micro controller (or micro processor) or any programmable digital device also it does not require any software program to generate sequence of pulses. It drives stepper motor using simple, easily available and commonly used components and ICs like IC555, decade counter, OR gate, current driver chip etc. That is why the name given simple stepper motor driver.
Understanding Decade Counter CD4017
CD4017 is a 16 pin CMOS decade counter/ Divider. It takes clock signal from the clock input and turns on the 10 output in sequence, each time when it receives [[wysiwyg_imageupload::]]clock input pulses. A popular IC, CD4017 is extremely useful in various projects like Light Chaser, Matrix Die. It is also useful in many applications like Binary counter/decoder, frequency division, divide by N counting, Alarm system etc. In order to understand the working of IC CD4017, one must know about its individual pins. It has 3 input pin and 10 output pin and one is ground pin and another is used for power supply and one is Carry out pin.
How to detect Electronic Smog
Electrons are invisible to human eye then how can we see the electronic smog existing in our home. Is there any method to see them? Impossible, the only method is to capture the energy from it to activate a circuit for giving a visual indication. When you sit in front of a computer or television,…